Why weren't you there? (Klaine)

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Why Mr. Anderson didn't attend his son's wedding.

TRIGGER WARNING: foul language, homophobia

SPOILERS season 6 episode 8.


It was Kurt and Blaine's unexpected wedding day. After the ceremony, the newly married couple find Pam, Blaine's mom.

"I'm so glad you're here, mom." Blaine gives him mom a big hug. He pulls back, blubbering, "We didn't know this was happening until today-"

"I know." His mom cuts him off before Blaine freaks out too much, "Brittney invited me and told me all about the surprise. If there was even a chance my boy was getting married today, I wasn't gonna miss it for the world." Pam says smiling. It reminds Kurt of Blaine's smile.

"Thanks, mom." Blaine says smiling too, then it falls from his face, "Dad?" he asks.

Pam just shakes her head and things are quiet for a moment.

"Let's just enjoy this today." Pam says, trying to lighten the mood. "It's you WEDDING DAY!!!" She says doing a little dance-in-place, "Go! Dance with your HUSBAND."

Kurt smilies and says, "Thanks, Pam" giving her a hug. Pam knows what he's thanking her for: understanding, acceptance, love. Kurt grabs Blaine's hand and drags him to the dance floor.

After the wedding, everyone is leaving. Blaine heads for the driver's seat of Kurt's car.

"Hey!" Kurt says jokingly, chasing him to the door.

"We're married now, got to share!" Blaine teases.

"Well technically the car still belongs to my dad." Kurt teases back, going around to get into the passenger seat.

After he's in, he sees that Blaine looks sad. "What's wrong, honey?"

"I want to go see my dad." Blaine says without looking at Kurt.

"You sure you want to do that? Today? Let's not ruin this-"

"No." Blaine says firmly, "I need to see him. Now."

"Okay." Kurt nods looking at his husband. Blaine starts the car.

They drive in near silence until they pull up to the Anderson house. Pam's car is already in the driveway. Blaine turns off the car.

"You sure about this?" Kurt asks, supportively.

"I have to." Blaine says, but he looks unsure.

"I'm here for you. Always." Kurt says with a supportive smile, "We're doing this together." He says putting his hand over Blaine's.

Blaine takes a deep breath in and out, and then opens the car door.

They walk up to the front door and Blaine knocks. Kurt laces his fingers in Blaine's and squeezes tight.

Pam opens the front door right away. "Oh honey, I'd thought you two would be... you know. It's your WEDDING NIGHT." She's says giving him a look.

"We're here to see dad." Pam can see the pain in Blaine's eyes as he speaks.

"Oh, then, come in, baby." She says moving aside; she looks worried.

The couple walks through the door, holding hands. As they walk into the living room, and Mr. Anderson in the armchair comes into view, Blaine lets go. But then he looks at his husband, grabs his hand again and together they march up to Blaine's father.

Mr. Anderson doesn't look up from the paper at first, even though he must know the boys are there in front of him.

"Dad." Blaine says and Mr. Anderson finally looks up. "I wanted to introduce you to my husband, Kurt." Blaine says calmly. Of course Mr. Anderson has met Kurt many times before, but he's never said much to him, and what he has, had always been quite rude.

Mr. Anderson doesn't say anything and looks back down at his paper. "Why weren't you there, dad?" Blaine asks, trying to keep his composure. Inside, he was sad, angry, hurt: he wanted to scream and cry at the same time. "I know you don't really... understand... but it was my wedding day. I got married dad-"

"No you didn't. This," he says pointing between his son and Kurt, "is not marriage."

"Sir," Kurt says butting in, "excuse me, but yes it is. We are LGEALLY married. And your son, wanted his father there. You couldn't get over... whatever it is that you can't deal with - after all these years - and come to see him get married?"

"To the love of my life." Blaine finishes, looking at Kurt, thankful he spoke up.

"This is not love. This is NOT a marriage. When you REALLY get married - to a nice girl - I'll be there." Mr. Anderson says, getting out of the chair.

Kurt tries to stop Mr. Anderson from walking away. "Sir, I love your son. We love each other-"

"Don't bother." Blaine remarks. "This is all you are going to get dad! I got married! You missed it!" Blaine is yelling now. "I'm never marrying 'a nice girl' because I already found the person I love and SHOCKER it's a man because I have NEVER liked girls dad! You know that! You just don't want to believe it! I can't believe you did this to me! To us! This is it dad, I'm done."

Blaine pulls on Kurt's hand stomping towards the door.

"You can't be done with me, you're my SON."
Mr. Anderson calls out to them.

"Not anymore." Blaine remarks striding out the door.

When the couple got back into the car Blaine breaks down crying. Kurt is rubbing his back, knowing now is not the time for words.

"STUPID! FUCKING! MORON!" Blaine yells hitting the steering wheel with his fists, "FUCK YOU! Fuck you..." he breaks down sobbing again.

"Let me drive." is the only thing Kurt says after a minute. They get out and switch spots. Kurt drives home in silence with Blaine sniffling in the passenger seat.

When they arrive at Kurt's dad's house, Blaine heads for Kurt's bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here!" Burt calls from the kitchen, "I thought you two would be at the hotel, I told you I'd pay for it." He says to Kurt who has come through the door.

"We went to see Blaine's father." Kurt replies when he's in the kitchen. Burt and Carole are sitting at the table. Kurt watches as they register what he said and their faces drop.

"Oh." Burt says.

"I'm going go check on Blaine." Kurt gives a small, sad smile and heads for the stairwell.

When he reaches the doorway of his old room, he sees Blaine curled up in the ball ugly crying on the bed, sobbing his eyes out. It's like all the years of putting up with his dad, all those feelings Blaine bottled away trying to be patient with him, just have come rushing out, overwhelming him.

Kurt lays down next to him. Blaine moves to snuggle with Kurt, nuzzling his head on Kurt's chest.

And they spend their wedding night, Blaine's arm wrapped around Kurt, Kurt petting Blaine's head as he listens to the sobs slowly quiet until Blaine had fallen asleep.

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