Learning and Looking

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Lucy's POV


A quiet voice shook me out of my thoughts. I straightened up quickly, biting my lip. Hours had passed since our group had split up to look for Aramantha. The sun was starting to set, and I was starting to get more and more anxious. What if she really was nowhere to be found? What would we do then?

"What is it?" I asked warily, not being able to quite pinpoint the voice.

"Are you doing alright?" It was Natsu, peering down at me.

I looked up at him, not sure whether he was joking or not. When it became obvious that he wasn't, I turned away before I could say anything.

"Lucy?" Natsu asked again.

It was funny, how if he was like this only a few months ago, it would've made me happy. I would've poured my heart out to him, hoping that he would comfort me the way he always had. Natsu was the one I always looked for when I needed someone to talk to, someone who I thought could understand me and how I was feeling.

But now, I was just beginning to realize that Natsu was never one who understood me perfectly. He was just simply the one I had assumed would fulfill that role in my life as always being there for me no matter what. But Natsu had never truly been able to say the right words that I had always wanted to hear after whatever happened. He would always just brush it away and perhaps laugh it off, and I had gotten used to that. I had came to accept that he would always be the one I would go to. That nobody else could've fulfilled the role he played in my life.

Just a few months ago, I had thought Natsu was the perfect person I needed.

But now, I could to see his imperfections. I could start to see how he wasn't the only person I could ever turn to. He wasn't the person who knew the right things to say to me, to make me feel better.

"I'm okay. But we should keep looking. It's getting dark," I managed to say with a smile. Natsu smiled, relieved, and nodded.

"Yes, I agree. Let's get going. I'll see you in a while!" Natsu waved, and he walked away in the opposite direction of where he came from.

I looked at his disappearing figure, and started walking adjacent to where Natsu went. We had travelled quite a distance from our search. We had initionally started at Twilight Ogre, but was getting closer and closer to where we had first started our journey, back at Aramantha's home. Even from here, I could hear the busy voices of all the people walking around Magnolia.

When I had told Aramantha the news that there were no more guilds for us to go to anymore, she had stared at me in silence. The disappointment and sadness in her eyes nearly made me break down, but I kept on talking. About how we could go back to her home, and ask her parents if they had heard from her brother. About how we could go back to the brother's friend, and ask him if he knew anything else. But while I was talking, I knew that she wasn't listening to a word that I was saying. Her eyes were unfocused, and they were starting to become glassy. The group had formed a circle around me and her, as if trying to protect Aramantha. But after I had stopped talking, Aramantha instantly pushed her way past everyone, and ran away.

Nobody really tried to stop her. We all knew that what Aramantha felt was terrible. We had promised her that we would find her brother. But we never did.

But after standing at that spot for about an hour, we had realized that Aramantha hadn't planned on coming back. By then, the bright sun was scorching, and we began to split up to look for her. We had agreed to contact each other if we had found her using Happy and Carla who would be flying around the area. But so far, there was no sign of anything. Aramantha simply couldn't be found.

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