Secret Plan

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Lucy's POV

I woke up in utter darkness, not knowing at all where I was. All I could see was a solid wall right in front of me, so sturdy that I knew it would be a miracle if I could break through it.

I tried to turn around, but a throbbing in my head bothered me and I tried to make the pain go away.

"Lucy?" A hoarse voice called out. it sounded like it was coming from the other side of the solid wall.

"Gray......?" I whispered back in reply, crawling slowly to the wall. I pressed my forehead against it, and felt a shiver go down my spine due to the icy wall.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Gray asked, and I heard some shuffling from the other side, like he was also going as close to the wall as possible.

"I'm fine.....I think," I muttered, rubbing my temple slowly in circles. The pounding in my head had ceased a little bit, but it hasn't improved by much, "are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm as good as I can be. I think the others are still unconscious," Gray explained.

That would definitely explain the unsettling silence in this place. I finally managed to turn the other way, and saw a barred door.

That's when it all started coming back to me. Aramantha. Her mansion. Her mother. How everyone reacted when Happy said that we were all mages. How not everyone in the house was who they seemed to be.

"Are we locked up?" I asked in disbelief. Was it a crime to be mages in this part of the town? It sure wasn't like this the last time I came here. Hm..... but for all I knew, Natsu's destruction could've been the one that made the law to capture mages or something.

"Well, yes. But I'm pretty sure people are going to bring us out soon for questioning. I mean, did you see how they reacted when they discovered that we were mages?" Gray asked.

"Yes.......what was with that anyways? I don't think it's a crime to be mages in this town....." I trailed off in hesitation, biting my lip.

"I don't think so either, but maybe it's just something to do with this household? Do you remember what that person had told us before we can into this house? That nobody was who they seemed to be, basically?" Gray asked.

Gray never striked me as the kind of person that would be that observant, but he apparently was now.

" do you think that this household has had bad experiences with mages? This is also a very high-class family. I don't think anybody in the town would even speak up to let us go if they saw us. They would probably be too afraid for fear of getting thrown into jail themselves," I noted, thinking hard.

"If only that person had told us something in more exact words....if he had only told us what exactly was the danger in that family!" Gray fumed, and I could even hear him sighing from all the way here.

"But we should've saw it coming too. I just thought that Aramantha seemed like such a nice girl that seemed too small to get lost. I'm sorry, I got all of us in trouble," I muttered, looking at the cold floor.

"Don't worry Lucy, we'll find a way out of this mess. We always do, don't you remember? After all, aren't we a team?" Gray asked, reminding me that he was still with me.

"Yes, of course. Thanks, Gray," I agreed.

We sat in silence for a while before my door opened. I looked up with a start to see Aramantha's mother standing at the doorway with a stern expression.

"Get up. We already have one of your other friends, and we're just going to ask a few questions," The lady said briskly, and I saw two servants holding tightly to Gray right behind the lady.

I nodded meekly, and allowed the lady to unlock all my chains so that I could walk out. I noticed that my keys were already gone though, so I had no way of attacking anyways. Two servants grabbed both of my arms roughly, and I winced slightly.

"Let's go," the lady snapped, and we walked a flight of stairs to a beautiful room that was literally sparkling. A bunch of super expensive-looking dressed decorated with gems and jewels were scattered across the room. Complete with an amazing chandelier with little diamonds hanging down, this room certainly did not look like a questioning room.

"Please do remember that we are questioning all your friends, so don't lie. If you know nothing, you're all free to go," the lady began briskly. I noticed that she didn't say what would happen if we knew something about whatever it was that she wanted from us. Or mages, in general.

"Please wait," the lady walked out of the room, and the servants forced us to sit down on a comfy, caramel sofa.

I looked at Gray, asking him a silent question. Could he use his ice skills to break us out?

"This room is somehow magic-proof. I would think that Natsu would've already tried," Gray whispered back, shaking his head slightly.

I sighed. How were we ever going to get out?

Then, a shape caught my eye from the outside. Two shapes, actually. It was Happy and Carla!

They were gesturing wildly down to the other side of the room, and I looked there to see Wendy, Natsu and Aramantha standing still. Natsu looked outright pissed, while Wendy looked like she was having a conversation with Aramantha. When they noticed me looking at them, they started making hand gestures.

What were they trying to tell me? I had to get Gray to pay attention, but he was looking at the ground. There was still quite a distance between us, so I couldn't tell him or else the servants would also hear.

I waved a servant over, and said to her in a low voice, "can I just please say goodbye to Gray? One last hug?"

The servant looked at me strangely, and nodded. No harm in that, she was probably thinking.

I scooted over and flung my arms around Gray's neck. He stiffened with surprise and shock, but I didn't have much time.

"Look at Natsu, Wendy, and Aramantha at the right corner. What are they trying to tell us? Carla and Happy are outside by the window as well," I whispered quickly in his ear.

Gray turned to look at the three, while I said, "oh Gray, I'm so scared! What do you think is going to happen? I don't want to go through all this!"

"They're telling us time. 2 O'clock. Probably when Happy and Carla are breaking in," Gray whispered back in my ear. I nodded and scooted back to my original position, glancing at the fancy clock casually.

It was 1:50, which meant we still had some time. But at least we had some kind of plan to break out. I just really hoped that it would work.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ^.^

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