A Visit to Lamia Scale

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Lucy's POV

"Here we are!" Happy cheerfully announced. Our heads shot up, and we found ourselves staring at what seemed to be a single-floored, but very wide, mansion. The banner of Lamie Scale was hung by the entrance. Personally, I found the lamia very creepy. 

  "A lamia...." Aramantha muttered to herself. I looked at her in surprise.

  "You know what a lamia is?" Gray asked, beating me to the question.

  "Of course. A creature with the upper body of an........alluring young woman, and a large serpentine tail replacing the legs," Aramantha blinked at us, "does nobody know that? I learned about it when I was 6."

  "I never even knew that," Natsu replied, gazing at Aramantha in shock.

  "At least one of us here knows the history of this guild's name," Erza approved, glaring at Natsu.

  "Now it's my fault again?! I bet ice guy here doesn't know either!" Natsu yelped.

  "Stop blaming it all on me!" Gray shot back.

  "Is this why the guild is called Lamie Scale?" Aramantha asked, ignoring the rest of us. She must'v gotten used to the argueing between those two by now.

  "I'm guessing most likely," I replied, seeing that I was the only one actually listening to her. Even Wendy seemed to be daydreaming a bit, staring off into the distance.

  "It indeed is," a smooth voice replied, as we approached the entrance.

  "Lyon!" Gray exclaimed automatically. It figures that Lyon, of all the people, would be the one to greet us at the entrance. What were the chances, eh?

  "Long time no see, Gray. How's it been going?" Lyon asked airly, walking over to him. Gray grinned back at him.

  "It's been going well. Nothing exciting has happened in quite a while, though," Gray replied.

  "Except now, it seems. This little girl seems very knowledgable about lamias. Why is that?" Lyon questioned, turning to look at Aramantha with a raised eyebrow.

  "I have been studying mythological creatures ever since I was 6. I have been studying all the animals that live around here since I was 6 as well," Aramantha replied almost robotically, as if she was used to saying that over and over again.

  Lyon blinked, and turned to look at the rest of our group, "what have you Fairy Tail people gotten yourselves into this time?"

  "We're trying to find her brother," Wendy explained quickly, before Gray could find another argument in those words.

  "Oh? Why is he even missing?" Lyon asked.

  "Let's not ask too many questions here, Lyon-kun. Please remember that they are our guests as well," Jura-sama's voice boomed out behind Lyon. The guild doors swung open, and Jura stepped out.

  "Sorry," Lyon apologized, hastily bowing to Jura-sama.

  "I know you youngsters are naturally curious about everything, but maybe the less you know, the better. After all, we're not involved in this, are we?" Jura-sama asked, the last part of his question directed towards us.

  "No. We've just come here to see if Aramantha's brother has joined this guild," Erza replied respectfully.

  "What has happened here?" A light voice floated towards them, and Sherry appeared. She flipped her hair, and giggled slightly as she saw Lyon was there as well.

  "Sherry. How have you been?" Gray greeted formally.

  "I've never been better," Sherry replied lightly.

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