Travelling Together

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A/N: I think it's about time that I write a chapter in Gray's point of view :) Thank you for all the people who are reading this story still~


Gray's POV

I never knew that this job would get so exciting and more surprising than what had already happened, but then again, what do I know?

"Your brother was aiming to join one of these guilds around here. You are sure to find him if you look at the guilds around," the boy had explained, 2 hours ago.

Now, guess what we were doing? We were trekking to the nearby guilds, of course. Lucy had suggested to start at Blue Pegasus, which was the closest guild. The only memories that I ever had of Blue Pegasus were of a man who was obsessed with perfume, and some other creepy dudes that seem to love to sparkle at random times.

"Do you know all of these guilds?" Aramantha asked, looking at the rest of us for reassurance.

Only now did she look a bit terrified. Before that, she was skipping and humming under her breath as we started the trek. I think that it was the happiest that she's ever been in probably her whole life, and a small shake of the head from Lucy told everyone else not to interfere with that hard-earned happiness.

"Don't worry, we're all good friends with all of these guilds. We've fought together before," Lucy reasurred Aramantha with a smile. Her own mood seemed to have improved as well, from when she saw her own past life in Aramantha's. I guess Lucy was just really happy that Aramantha was finally able to be happy as well, something Lucy had earned when she joined Fairy Tail.

And, I realized with a start, I liked it that way. Lucy with a smile on her face was what I was always used to.

Back at that night, when she had confessed to me about seeing Aramantha in had spooked me more than I could admit. To see someone like Lucy, who was always so happy and carefree, be shaken up and almost crying like that was something I wasn't exactly ready to face. Besides, a smile seemed to fit her more than a frown ever would. She actually looked rather damn cute with that smile, like the one that she had on right now.


What was I thinking?

She liked Natsu. It had been that way from the beginning. Natsu was the one that had always been there for her when she needed him. I was just merely a bystander, who was left to merely observe everything while they were unfolding.

I shook my head to clear away my thoughts. We had been walking for so long that I probably had too much free time to think. That was why I came up with such a bizarre observation.

It had to be.

"And if they don't welcome us back, we'll make them," Erza added with a rather wicked smirk.

Aramantha looked alarmed by her words, but nodded all the same. She had no idea of how any of the guilds worked, which was probably why she already seemed so jumpy and curious.

I couldn't blame her, though. She was about to possibly meet her brother whom she had yet to see in her life.

"Do you think he's in that guild......?" Lucy muttered beside me, and I slightly flushed at the sound of her voice, thinking about what I had thought earlier.

"The chances are fairly big, especially since there are only so many guilds around this area. I think Fairy Tail is still the biggest guild here, though," I replied.

Lucy suddenly chuckled slightly, her shoulders shaking slightly.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"What if her brother ends up in our guild? What if we knew him well?" Lucy asked, her eyes gleaming as she thought of the possibilities.

I thought about that a bit, and concluded that it could be a possibility. Our guild, though, were way closer than all the other guilds around us, so I don't think the chances of one of our members not mentioning he had a sister was a big possibility.


"They didn't want anyone else to know," I finished in a whisper, actually not aware that I had said that out loud.

Lucy glanced at me in surprise and confusion, "Gray?"

I gave her a half-smile, and shook my head slightly, "it's nothing," I didn't need Lucy to be worrying about this too, and make her feel worse than she already did for Aramantha.

She gave me a doubtful glance in return, but asked no more questions, which I was grateful for.

"Eep!" Aramantha suddenly shrieked, catching us all off-guard. Lucy actually jumped into the air in fright, and grabbed my arm. I gave her a look of surprise, but didn't pull her away. Damn, what was wrong with me?

"It's only a spider," Erza informed Aramantha calmly. A spider the size of a pebble was right on the path that Aramantha had been walking by.

Aramantha didn't reply, and she looked rather paralyzed with fear.

Happy finally swooped down, and picked up the spider without hesitance. He flew off into the trees on either side of us to drop it off somewhere in the wilderness, preferably somewhere where it couldn't bother other people anymore.

"G-gomen," Lucy stuttered, giving me an embarrassed glance as she let go of my arm.

"It's fine," I replied, hoping I sounded casual.

"Minna-San, gomen! I won't cause any more trouble!" Aramantha squeaked, bowing to us.

"Don't worry about it," Lucy, not surprisingly, was the one that replied.

"Look!" Carla exclaimed. She and Wendy were a few feet ahead of us, scanning our surroundings.

We all looked to the right where Carla was pointing, and saw a building loom overhead, casting a shadow over the trees.

"We've arrived at Blue Pegasus' guild!" Wendy exclaimed happily.

"Yes," Aramantha agreed softly, so softly that only Lucy and I could've heard her, "Onii-chan, please wait for me."




Onii-chan~Older Brother

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