Deja Vu?

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Lucy's P.O.V.

  We stood in a mini circle around Aramantha. We were rather far away from her house - Aramantha had walked away without a word and we felt obligated to follow her. As far as we knew, she was now a girl who didn't exactly have a place that she could call home.

  "What now?" Aramantha said softly, but it sounded like she was asking herself more than she was asking us. None of us replied.

  "It's up to you to decide," I finally said quietly, right when Aramantha was starting to stare desperately at us.

  She sighed, and looked around. We were at the outskirts of the town, right at the edge of the beautiful sea. The sunlight glistened and made the sea sparkle, seeming like almost a majestic place to be. Nobody was around us - it was approaching nighttime, but the sky had yet to darken completely and so people were still working all around us, just in shadows.

  "Why me? Why my family? Why can't my family just be like a normal family? Full of people who actually care about their children? I don't really care about that company anymore. I would rather live in a house where our family was complete, rather than in a house where our family is already half-missing and might as well not exist at all," Aramantha said bitterly, glaring at the sea. She didn't seem to appreciate the beauty that surrounded her - maybe that was what she was lacking. She hadn't had enough time to go around the world and discover what was really outside, waiting for her. She was only prepared for what her family wanted her to do.

  "I understand how you feel," I whispered, feeling a strong sense of deja vu. This was me at one point, living in a house where my father wouldn't even acknowledge me no matter how hard I tried. At least my father had realized what he had done, and we were on fairly good terms now. I didn't know if I could say the same for Aramantha's family.

  Aramantha suddenly flung herself into my arms, and I automatically hugged her back tightly. The group just stood there and watched us silently for a while.

  Finally, Natsu clapped his hands and looked around, "alright, we need to find a place to sleep tonight. Aramantha's clearly with us now - Fairy Tail would never leave a girl alone. So let's go."

  We all nodded, and set off into the town, with Aramantha tightly holding my hand. Erza, apparently, was way ahead of us and brought us to an average hotel and announced that she had already booked three rooms.

  "Three rooms? When did you ever have time to do that?" Gray and Natsu yelped.

  Erza just smiled at them, and crossed her arms, "if we relied on you two to find us shelter, we would all be homeless by now."

  We set off into our rooms, and also discovered that those rooms just so happened to be connected as well. Happy flew around the place in amazement.

  "How much did this cost you?" Carla asked, somewhat in awe as well.

  "Nothing," Erza replied casually with a smirk.

  "Nothing?!" Gray asked.

  "How is that even possible?" Natsu agreed. That was just about the first and last time they would probably agree on something.

  "Oh.......I have my ways," Erza replied mysteriously. None of us bothered to continue to ask her, because we all knew that she wouldn't tell us if she didn't want to. 

  "So what's our plan for tomorrow?" Wendy asked, sitting down on a bed neatly. Carla perched upon her lap.

  "We have to-"

  "I want to find my brother," Aramantha interrupted Gray. We all blinked, and looked at her in unison. That would've been funny if it hadn't been so shocking.

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