"Camila, I am so sorry." Lauren takes a step towards me and I can't even move my feet.

"You know there is a sort of drama here that everyone has to appreciate I mean remember last time we were all here and Lucy gave Camila that ridiculous makeover and Lauren and Hayley were trying to battle over who took her back to her room." Molly laughs and continues, "Then Lauren showed up to your room right? With that vodka! You thought she was drunk! Do you remember when I called her when she was there?" She laughs.

"But really she was supposed to win the bet that night, she was pretty cocky about it but Hayley kept saying you wouldn't give it up that quick. I guess Hayley was right, but you still gave it up quicker than I thought you would. Good thing I didn't bet any money." Molly's voice and Lauren's eyes are the only thing in the bar.

I have never felt this way, this is worse than I had ever imagined. Lauren has been playing me this entire time, this was all a game to her. All the hugs, the kisses, the smiles, the laughs, the "I love you's", the sex, the plans, and fuck if this doesn't hurt I don't know what does. She had every move planned, every night, every single detail and everyone knew except me, even Lucy.

"You'd be happy to know that you were worth a pretty penny though, even though Hayley tried to bitch out a few times. But with Jace, Louis and Hayley's money, I hope she at least bought you dinner" Molly laughs.

"I am only disappointed that I missed the infamous, I love you! announcement in front of everyone. I heard that was a killer." Jace laughs.

"Shut the fuck up!" Tristan surprises everyone by yelling. If I wasn't numb, he may have surprised me too. "Fuck you guys, she has already had enough!"

"Baby, please say something." Lauren takes another step.

My brain finally connects with my mouth, "Don't you fucking dare call me that! How could you do this to me? You.. you .. I can't..." I have so many things in my head to say, they just won't come out. "And I won't because that's what you want." I sound much more confident than I feel inside. Inside I am burning and my heart is on the floor, underneath Lauren's boot. 

"I know I messed up.." She begins.

"You messed up? You messed up?" I scream. "Why, just tell me why? Why me?" I ask her.

"Because you were there." She answers honestly. "And a challenge, I didn't know you Camila. I didn't know that I would fall in love with you." She says and it has the opposite effect than it usually does.

I can taste the bile in the back of my throat.

"You're sick. You're fucking sick!" I scream and rush to the door. This is too much for me. Lauren's hand wraps around my small arm and I jerk away, slapping her. Hard.

The pain in her expression gives me the most painful satisfaction.

"You ruined everything! You took something from me that wasn't yours Lauren. That was meant for someone who loved me, loved me truthfully. It was for them, whoever them is and you took that, for money? I ruined my relationship with my mother for you, I gave up everything! I had someone who loved me, someone who wouldn't hurt me the way you did. You are disgusting." I spit.

"I do love you, Camila I love you more than anything. I was going to tell you, I tried to get them not to tell you. I never wanted you to find out. That's why I was out all night, they all agreed not to say anything. I was going to tell you soon now that we live together because then it wouldn't matter." She stammers. 

"Are you..you.. oh my god Lauren! What the hell is wrong with you? You think going around convincing people to not tell me is okay? You thought that if we lived together I would let this go? That's why you were so determined for my name to be on the lease! Oh my god. You are sick." I have no control of the words tumbling from my lips. 

"That's why you went and got my stuff for me from my room because you were afraid Lucy would tell me!" Every small detail that made me think twice since I met Lauren all points to this. It was so obvious. Everyone in the bar is staring and I feel so small, broken and small.

"What did you do with the money Lauren?" 

I look over and everyone is watching us, I know they can still hear us.

"I.. " She begins.

"Tell me." I demand.

"Your car.. the paint.. and the deposit for the apartment. I thought if I.."

"I was going to tell you so many times, once I knew it wasn't just a bet anymore. I love you, I loved you the entire time, I swear it." She says.

"You kept the sheets to show them Lauren! You showed them the sheets, the bloody fucking sheets! Oh my god! I'm such an idiot. While I was reliving every detail of the best night of my life, you were showing your friends the sheets." My hands wrap in my hair and I tug at it.

"I know.. I don't have any excuse for what I have done but you have to forgive me. We can figure this out." She says and I laugh. A real laugh, despite my tears I find myself laughing. I am losing my mind. This scene isn't playing out like the movies, I am crying, pulling at my own hair, and barely able to control my emotions and form a full sentence.

"Forgive you?" I laugh.

"You have ruined my entire life, you know that don't you? Oh, of course you do. That was your plan the entire time remember, you promised you would ruin me. So congratulations Lauren, you have. What should I give you, money? Or should I find another virgin for you?"

"Camila, please. You know I love you, I know you do. Let's go home. Please, and I will tell you everything."

"Home? That isn't my home. It never has been, we both know that." I try for the door again, I am so close.

"What can I do? I'll do anything." She begs. With her eyes still focused on mine, she bends down. I am confused for a second before I realize she is getting on her knees in front of me.

"Nothing, there is nothing you can do." I tell her and mean it. If I knew what to say to hurt her as bad as she has hurt me I would, and I would repeat it a thousand times just so she would know how it feels to be so completely blindsided and ripped apart within minutes.

I take off for the door, taking advantage of Lauren being on her knees. As soon as I reach the door, I crash into someone. I look up to find Hayley, still recovering from her injuries that Lauren caused.

"What's wrong?' She asks and grabs my elbows.

Her eyes travel behind me to Lauren and realization fills her eyes.

"I'm sorry." She says but I ignore her. Lauren is heading for the door and I have to get the hell away from this bar, and her.

The freezing air whips my hair in front of my face as soon as I get outside. I welcome the feeling, hoping it will cool the burning inside of me. Snow has blanketed my car and the streets.

"You can't drive Camila." Hayley's voice calls from behind me. I keep trudging through the snow, across the parking lot. 

"Leave me alone! I know you were in on it! You all were!" I scream and dig for my keys.

"Let me take you home, you are in no condition to drive in this storm." She says. As I open my mouth to scream at her, Lauren walks outside.

"Okay" I agree and the click of Hayley's car being unlocked is my cue to get in as fast as I can. Lauren's face twists in anger and I hope for Hayley's sake she gets in the car before Lauren reaches us.

The second Lauren realizes that I am leaving with Hayley, she runs towards the car. Hayley pulls out of the lot and I watch Lauren fall to her knees, for the second time tonight.

"I am.." Hayley speaks and turns the heat on full blast.

"Don't talk to me." I snap.

"I'm sorry Camila, I had no idea it would get that out of hand." She says.

"Tell me.. tell me everything. Every single detail." I turn to her.

"Okay." She agrees and turns onto the freeway.

Ooookay THE END... I'm gonna start the sequel soon:)

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