Mycroft x male!reader

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A/n: mentions of blood and assault, if that triggers you I suggest you don't read. But if it doesn't, I hope you enjoy :).
~Your POV~
I was siting in a chair, in the middle of a huge warehouse. I was tied to the chair, legs and arms, and there was a gag in my mouth. My head lulled to the side, the blood and sweat trickled down my forehead. Then he walked back into the room. I sat up straight and stared this sadistic bastard down the whole way. He walked up right in front of me and patted my head.
"That's a good boy isn't it. Who's a good boy for sitting!"
I sat perfectly still and said nothing.
"Oh come on darling, I'm bored and your the only entertainment I have on hand. That's why I stole you! I wanted a little fun!" He said exasperatedly in his smooth Irish accent. He took one finger and pulled the gag out of my mouth, this time I moved and tried to bite his hand.
"Oh no, no, little one, if you had bit me I would have had to put you down. Now you wouldn't want that would you?"
"Go to hell Moriarty." I said in a horse and pained voice.
"Now that's not very nice. Looks like our doggy needs some training."
One thing about Jim is he is not one to get his hands dirty unless it comes to Sherlock. So when he said that he stepped back and another tall and well built man stood in front of me, he put on gloves then he picked up and put on a pair of brass knuckles. I closed my eyes, I felt the impact then everything went dark.
~Mycroft's POV~
I knocked on the door to Sherlock and John's flat. John answered the door and stared at me. I knew I looked a mess, I haven't slept in almost two days, I put on some suit pants then my shirt and don't bother to tuck it in, I also didn't have a jacket because I just forgot.
"Hello Mycroft." He said uneasily.
"Hello John, may I come in?"
He nods and stands aside, I walk in and immediately sit down on the couch. I put my head in my hands but I don't cry.
"Sherlock." I say softly.
"What is it brother dear, come to fight about something else."
"Umm, Sherlock, I think you should come here." John says worriedly.
"Whatever could my brother of mi-"
He stopped dead when he walked around the corner and saw me.
I look up at him slowly. "He's gone Sherlock, he's gone."
"Who's gone Mycroft?"
"(Y/n), someone kidnapped him."
"How do you know?" John asked.
"John I'd rather not relive the event.."
"For god's sake Mycroft just tell the story of how you know."
I looked up at him then leaned back on the couch.
"I came home two nights ago and (Y/n) wasn't there. He usually was home when I got there but I just figured he was working late. Then the next day when I woke up he still wasn't in the bed next to me nor anywhere in the house. I got worried so I decided to phone his workplace. I got even more worried when they said he left at the same time he always did and had not arrived at work today. I tried to calm myself down but he was not there yesterday when I came home and he has not shown up today at all." I started to cry because I was so stressed and somehow I felt this was my fault.
"I also checked every security camera in the city and there is still no sign of him. I am having people look back in the tapes to see if they can figure out when or where he was taken but there is nothing yet." I say and my voice cracks at the end. I put my head In my hands again and John leaves then comes back with a box of tissues. He sets them on the table in front of me and I take one out and blow my nose.
"We have to help Mycroft, Sherlock... we have to."
Sherlock nods then looks at me, he has never seen me in this state. He sits down on his stool and starts to think.
"Mycroft did you see any signs of forced entry into your house?"
I shake my head.
"Did you see anyone outside of your house driving slowly or something there the likes?"
"Did you see anyone walking around.."
"No Sherlock I saw nothing suspicious, and these are quite frankly elementary questions."
"What about his telephone Mycroft?" John asks.
"What about it?"
"Have you seen it anywhere in the house since he has been gone?"
"Then let's try and track where it is, he probably still has it." My eyes light up at the sound of a lead. John walks over to the computer. He pulls up a website to help track lost cell phones. They put in all the information and gets a signal. An abandoned warehouse on the other side of town.
~to be continued~
A/n: #21. I figured I would do a mystery one because I was getting tired of all the fluff and stuff. So here is, a hopefully okay, interesting one to change it up a little. Enjoy :)

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