Spock x Male vulcan!reader

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~Spock's POV~
I was In the lunch room sitting across from the Captain. We were talking about where we had to go next and how we were to get there, how fast, how soon, and such. Then, since I was facing the door, I saw (Y/n) enter. He walked over to the replicator and got some Rillian teaberry melon. He looked around the room then decided to come over and sit with us.
"My I sit here?"
"Of course you can." The Captain said.
"You can sit next to me if you would like that."
"Thank you Spock."
He sat down next to me and I could feel my ears heat up. The Captain smiled at me, I'm guessing because he could see the slight green on my ears and my cheeks. However, (Y/n) didn't notice, thankfully. He looked up at Kirk while I was hopelessly watching him and trying not to do something stupid. Wait that's illogical, the probability I will do something stupid is very low; but still, there's a chance.
"Captain, we have shore leave in about a week or so am I correct?"
"Yes that's correct, and, I also believe Mr. Spock has something to ask you."
I kicked Jim under the table then watched as (Y/n) turned and looked up at me.
"Yes what is it Mr. Spock?"
The tips of his ears are also a very pale green, probably blush.
"Go on." Jim says from the other side of the table. I glance over at him in annoyance. Then I turn my attention back to him.
"I was wondering since shore leave is coming up, if you would like to go on a date of some sort? You don't have to say yes or anything, I don't want to press-"
"Calm down Spock, and of course I'll go on a date with you. It would be most illogical not to considering the fact that I harbor the same feelings for you as you do for me."
"I am very pleased and excited that you have accepted my invitation."
He nods to me, indicating that he feels the same way. We both turn back to Jim who is just kind of watching us confused but intrigued.
"So that is how Vulcans ask to go out on dates, wow, I wasn't expecting that, but to be honest I wasn't really sure what I was expecting."
I squint my eyes and stare down Jim, especially telling him to stop.
Precisely, one week, three days, two hours, fifteen minutes, and 52 seconds later we walk into the restaurant where I made reservations to have lunch. We are seated, and I must mention that (Y/n) looks very attractive in his dress uniform. During dinner we talk about things in the ship, new species of plants, and animals we have encouraged, as well as new indigenous peoples. Then I say something about the warp drive and his face lights up.
"Do you want to know a fact about the warp drive?" He asks.
"Yes I would like that." I respond.
"The way it works is by annihilating matter (in the form of deuterium, a kind of hydrogen gas) and antimatter in a fusion reaction mediated by dilithium crystals."
I nod. "That seems like the only logical way to gain a speed that is in fact faster then light."
For the rest of lunch we continue to discuss the warp drive and such things.
At the end of the meal we split the check then head outside. He looks around then sees the small river near the restaurant and starts walking towards it, I follow, then reach out and grab his hand, he looks over at me for a second then nods in understanding.
When we get to the river he kneels down by it and puts his hand in feeling the water.
"This river looks like the one that was near my parents house on Earth."
"You lived on earth? I thought you went to school on Vulcan though?"
"Yes I did, my parents lived on Earth and I went to school on Vulcan. It got very lonely at times, having them so far away, but they wanted to stay on Earth. Yet also wanted me to have an education that would challenge me. So I was sent to Vulcan for my studies and only went back home to visit my parents every once in a while."
I sit down next to him and put my arm around his shoulders, I have seen this done in countless Earth movies, it always works for them so I thought I should try it. He looks up at me confused then his features soften a little, he looks back at the water and leans on me.
"Spock, I would greatly enjoy going on another date with you next week, possibly in the holodeck. I can design my favorite restaurant from when I would visit Earth."
"I think that would be the logical thing to do considering I would also like to go on another date with you."
A/n: #6! I hope you enjoy :) although I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how Vulcans would interact on a date. I hope I didn't do too bad.

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