Chapter 12

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The King was walking back to the courtyard where he had left Connor, but she wasn't there so he checked everywhere and asked anyone if they had seen her, but it ended up in false hope.

He then went back down to the courtyard where Connor was previously and looked more closely where she was sitting.

He looked around the bench and saw a note, he unfolded the piece of paper and saw a note saying.

Dear King Donavan

We have taken your fiancé to become the next Queen of the south.

The only way you can get her back is if you come to the Dark Forest at dawn to duel.

For her back, unless you are a chicken and don't come.then she will be my Queen.

From King Damien

Donavan crumpled the note in his hands and through it on the ground and ran towards the stables as fast as he could.

He ran into the stable, startling some of the stable boys "I need my horse now immediately" he declared

Sorry this part is so short to be honest I don't know why people are even reading this book since it's really bad, but oh well I could use some pointers and feedback and maybe some ideas on how to expand this story.

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