Chapter 6

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Your majesty it's time to get up the maid said knocking the door

There was no awnser so she went inside, she walked to the bed and saw nothing, she looked everywhere in the room and then ran out.

The maid ran into the throne room, the King was talking to his nobels and Knights when the maid ran in, the King looked at her confused.

What is the meaning of this the King said looking at the maid patiently

T-the Q-queen she's gone the maid breathed out heavily

What! again he shouted angrily

The Knights looked at him waiting for his instructions.

Go find her now he shouted as he sat on his throne rubbing his temple stressed

The King got out his throne and watched the Knights leave on horseback with some Knights on their dragons.

I'll have to keep an eye on her from now on he thought tiredly

As the Knights on horseback and dragon neared the cave, they looked at each other and then the Knights on their horses got off, they went to the cave entrance and then went inside.

keep quiet, so she doesn't hear us the Knights said whispering to the other one

They entered the cave and saw her sleeping on Atlas and Orion, they carefully and quietly picked her up and started to take her to their horses, Orion woke up and roared and charged at them, the Knights ran with her in their grasp and ran out of the cave.

she woke up with all the noise and was startled to be getting carried by the two Knights, she struggled in their grip and then saw Orion and Atlas came running out the cave.

The Knights on the dragons swooped down and started to distract the two dragons while the other two Knights got her on one of the Knights horse and they started to gallop away.

once they were far away from the cave they started to trot, but they never saw the two angry dragons trailing along. 

They got to the castle and the gate opened and they went inside, she saw the King waiting there very patiently and she knew she was in a lot of trouble.

She could here roars from outside and she looked up and saw Orion, flying over them and then land in the courtyard and he started to growl,the King looked almost impressed and then looked at her.

he walked over talking her of the horse and then he started go make his way to the castle entrance, but Orion stopped him by breathing fire, the King turned around and glared at the dragon, as he did that Atlas came flying in as well.

Shoot them now the King shouted to his men

No! She screamed running up to the dragons

Love get away from there the King said trying to grab her as she ran towards them

No these are my dragons and you will not hurt them she screamed at the men

The King smirked and said something that shocked her.

Fine if you don't want them go die, then you will have to marry me he said smugly

She looked at the two dragons and then the King, she cursed to herself and then did something even she wasn't expecting.

Fine I'll marry, please just don't hurt them she said looking down at the ground not meeting his stare

Good, now men you can stop pointing your weapons at them he said grabbing her by the waist and taking her inside the warm castle to warm up by the fire.

Two dragons one girl Where stories live. Discover now