Chapter 11

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The in laws are coming........

When she heard that she nearly fainted,she thought if she stood up any longer she knew that her feet would buckle beneath her and she would faint,so she sat down.

Y-your parents are coming she said quietly looking at him

Yes,but you have nothing to worry about he said sitting next to her

Nothing to worry about,there is everything to worry about she exclaimed

He just chuckled and got back up and stood in front of her.

There's nothing to worry about,my parents are very nice and the only people you need to worry about are my siblings he said crouching down

That doesn't really make me feel better she said pouting

He chuckled again and stood back up straight but before they could talk more, a knight ran towards them.

Your majesty,there's been an attack in the village he said out of breath

Great what now he said groaning

I'm sorry but it's an attack on the crown, another kingdom declared war he said sadly

I'm sorry sweetheart, I have to go and take care of this he said turning back to her

It's ok, go go deal with it she said shooing him away

He walked away with the Knights to deal with the so called declared war,that she just sat in the garden waiting for him to come back.

A few hours past and she started getting bored so she went down to the courtyard to see lots of soldiers,but they weren't Donavan's soldiers.

Well hello there said a strange man at the stairs to the courtyard

She looked down at him and glared,she wondered who this guy was,I mean he could be a king a lord or even a noble for all she knew.

Sorry where are my manners, I am King Alexander he said smiling at her

She just looked at him confused, because she didn't know why he was here or what he wanted,but she wanted to find out.

So what are you doing here,your majesty she said glaring at him

Well I was declaring war on King Donavan,but I think I found a better prize he said smirking

What are you talking about she said confused

Well my new prize is you sweetheart he said smiling

Yeah no thanks,your not my type and said smirking

But what she didn't know was that two soldiers where sneaking up on her,she was about to turn around when they grabbed her and knocked her out.

I am sorry I haven't updated in a while and I hope you enjoy this new chapter and I hope to update as much as I can

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