Chapter 8

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After a while of flying they landed in a meadow surrounded with a ring of trees around it, we landed and she started to giggle in front of the King for the very first time.

Huh this is the first actual time I've heard you laugh he chuckled

She blushed and chuckled a bit awkwardly

Yeah I guess it is she said smiling

The King sat down and patted the spot next to him, she came over and sat In front of him and looked into his emerald eyes.

Hmm maybe we should get to no each other you know my name but I don't know yours she said awkwardly

Oh yes, well my name is Donavan so you can stop saying your majesty or sir now he said smiling

Ok Donavan she said smiling her sapphire blue eyes glittering with happiness

After we talked and hanged out a little we decided to head back to the castle, he said to her that they were getting married in a couple of weeks which made her a bet nervous, after a while of flying they got back to the castle.

Well I'm exhausted after that, want to have dinner with me Donavan said smiling

S-sure she said blushing deep red

As they ate dinner they started to talk about the wedding and how it was nearly time that they got married,of course she was nervous and scared and all that stuff that brides fear on their wedding day.

After they are they both went to the same room and changed into comfortable clothes and went to sleep, she thought it felt nice sleeping next to someone who in some time will be your husband, she felt happy and safe in his arms and she loved every minute of it.

She woke up and turned around expecting Donavan to be right there, but all she felt was a cold empty side, she opened her eyes and got out her bed and changed into a royal blue gown, she went down and went to the courtyard and saw Donavan playing with Atlas and Orion.

she giggled and caught the attention of Orion, he ran over to her and started pushing her towards Donavan, she giggled at this and ended up in Donavan's warm embrace, she looked up and smiled at him looking at his beautiful emerald green eyes.

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