Chapter 5

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It started to get dark so she decided to close her eyes and lean into the Kings chest to get comfortable, she could probably describe his reaction to her leaning on his chest he's probably smirking right now.

She opened her eyes and saw she was in a beautiful king size bed in a beautifully decorated room, she looked around more before she saw the door open, the door opened and a maid walked in, she sighed in relief as the maid walked into the room.

Good morning your majesty the maid said smiling

U-um good morning she said shyly

Please don't be shy your majesty, were not going to hurt you the maid said walking over to her and handing her breakfast

After she ate she was bathed and put into a sky blue gown and her hair was brushed down by the maid, the maid then put a gold tiara on her.

Beautiful, well we shouldn't keep the King waiting the maid said grabbing her by the hand and leading her to a large throne room

She saw the King sitting on his throne and beside him was a empty throne, hmm I guess that's were I'm sitting when we get married she thought sarcastically.

He was looking at some papers when he noticed she walked into to room, the King looked up at them and then motioned the maid to leave.

the maid left and it was just her and the King in the throne room, he walked towards her and pulled her chest.

How was your sleep love he said in a deep morning voice

I-I slept well thank you she said shyly to him

No need to be shy love, we'll be husband and wife very soon he said smirking

U-uh r-right she stuttered quietly

After going through torture by spending time with the King most of the day, she took the gown off and put something more comfortable on, once she did that she went to the balcony of the room and whistled.

She trained the two dragons to come when whistles so she could get out of trouble, she saw Orion flying up to the balcony, he looked invisible because of the pitch black night, she got on him and they started to fly away.

They got back to the cave and saw Atlas running up to them.

Nice to see you too Atlas she said stroking his scaly about

She and Atlas and Orion went in the cave and went to sleep, the two dragons curled round her and they all went to sleep.

Two dragons one girl Where stories live. Discover now