Chapter 10

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Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, she was back in her room tucked into the bed, she got out of her bed and went to change into something and go and find Orion and Atlas.

After she got changed she walked out of the room and went to the throne room for a changed.

as she walked in she saw that Donavan was talking to someone so she decided to quietly make her way out so he can finish his meeting without intrusions.

She walked out to the courtyard and sat down on one of the stone benches and sighed,she was bored but she didn't want to do.

She closed her eyes for a moment to think for a while but she couldn't,for the past couple of days she couldn't sleep.

She kept having dreams or visions of the near future and it was all about war and misery upon the lands.

She kept lying saying she just wasn't tired but her maids kept questioning her,she ignored all of their questions and walked away.

But she couldn't help but wonder, if they where truly visions of the upcoming events in the near future.

She opened her eyes dismissing her thoughts, she walking to the courtyard and seeing her two beloved dragons playing with the Knights.

She chuckled as she walked up to them all.

So what are you up to with my dragons she said chuckling

W-we where training are selves Incase there was ever a dragon attack,by our enemies said one of the Knights

Ok then we'll be careful,Orion and Atlas could kill you in a second if they wanted too she said walking away

She could hear the Knights gulp as they heard her say that,she only chuckled because it was only a joke.

It wasn't serious and I mean come on it looked like Atlas and Orion could hurt a fly,she walked back to the castle and saw Donavan at the door waiting for her.

He had a smile on his face which made her a little confused,she walked up to him and watched as his smile got brighter and more happier.

And what are you so happy about she said chuckling at him as she stood in front of him

My parents are coming in two days and they can't wait to meet you he said happily

The in laws are coming........

Two dragons one girl Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang