Chapter 1

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It was hard being the odd girl out,every time I play with the boys I get glares from different parents in my village, I learned to ignore it but it's getting hard now.

Why can't she be like other girls in the village, like to help cook or clean the house one of the women said whispering to another

And to think she's marring the king when she's older the women said glaring at her

I know it's just uncanny the other women said hatefully

She ignored them and continued to play, but she couldn't help feel hurt and ashamed, I mean it wasn't her fault she was like this, she was born this way different from the other girls from the village, she started to make her way to her house covered in mud from foot to neck.

She walked in the house and saw her mother cooking with one of the maids, yes she was pretty rich and wealthy because of her father, her mother turned round to look at her and chuckled.

Now what have you been up to she chuckled walking closer to her

I was running with the boys and playing in the mud she giggled happily

Where you now, maybe you should take a bath before your father gets home she said calling one of the maids

Ok momma said taking the maids hand and walking to the bath

After she was clean she was put in a sapphire blue dress to match her deep blue eyes, she walked down the stairs one at a time carefully, she got to the kitchen and saw her mother mad her father talking, she sat at the table next to her father and her older brother Dominic.

How is my beautiful daughter today my father said smiling at her

I'm fine papa she said happily kicking her feet under the table

Dinner is served her mother said putting steak, pork and vegetables and some bread on the table

After dinner we all went to bed to begin the new bed, but she stayed up a little while longer looking at the stars glimmering in the pitch black night,after a while of watching the stars she went to bed.

Sweetheart wake up, her mother said tapping her shoulder

H-huh what is it mother she said groggily rubbing her eyes

Well Connor I'm going to teach you took and clean, so when our married you can take care of the house her mother  said smiling

Ok mother I'll get ready and come down she said getting out of her bed and walked over to were her clothes were stored  

Ok be down in a couple of minutes and I'll teach everything I know her mother said walking out the room

She got dressed in her normal sky blue dress and walked down to the kitchen was were she was drinking water at the table, she sat down next to her mother waiting for her to notice her there.

Ah there you are let's get started shall we her mother said getting out of the seat and putting the cup away

Ok so what will you teach me first mother she said impatiently

I'm going to teach you how to cook and then teach you how to clean your clothes and other things like that her mother said getting out different ingredients

What are we going to make mother she said getting a stool to be the height of the stove

We are going to make some steak pie her mother said getting the ingredients out for the dough

Ok so how do you start she said looking at all the ingredients

We will start to make the dough and then the filling for the pie her mother said placing a bowl in front of her

After what felt like for ever, they finished the pie they took it out of the stove and saw the steam coming from it, they set it down at the table and started to make the potatoes and then place the bread on the table, just in time for her father and brother to come home.

Ahh it smells amazing in here her father exclaimed walking into the kitchen kissing his wife and daughter on the forehead

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