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Leigh-Anne: I swear to god, if I see one more fucking person that thinks they're so fucking funny when they say go fucking fuck yourself, I'm going to fucking beat the fucking shit out of everyone that is fucking involved-

Jade: Bad Leigh.

Leigh-Anne: But-

Jade: Return to default.



Leigh-Anne: Who wants cheesecake?


Perrie: Hey, Leigh, can I have your number?

Leigh-Anne: Sure. Why, though?

Perrie: I need to know where I can find Jesy in the mornings.

Jesy: Are you hitting on her? For me?

Perrie: You were taking too long.


Jesy: You're standing on thin ice!

Leigh-Anne: I'm standing on the floor.

Jesy: It's an expression.

Leigh-Anne: It's a carpet.


Perrie: Am I constantly tired?

Perrie: Yes.

Perrie: Am I still staying up until 5 AM for no reason at all?

Perrie: Also yes.


Leigh-Anne: You got yourself coffee?

Jade: Yeah, Double Espresso.

Leigh-Anne: A Double Espresso?

Jade: Why are you making such a big deal out of it? You're the one who's always telling me to try new things.

Leigh-Anne: Maybe, but I meant fruit and vegetables, not stimulants. Jade, you don't even drink coffee, I-

Jade: Don't get in a state, Leigh-Anne. I only drank half of it.

Leigh-Anne: Oh, okay. Good.

Jade: Perrie drank the other half.

Leigh-Anne: You let Perrie drink a Double Espresso?!

Perrie: Well, it tasted horrible to begin with but then I added six spoonfuls of sugar and now I feel all zingy zangy zongy!

Leigh-Anne: This is bad, this is so bad.

Perrie: I feel like lightning!

Leigh-Anne: Oh my god.


Perrie: What if I pour coffee on my cereal instead of milk?

Jade: *Takes the coffee pot as she walks by* what if you don't?


Jesy: Why do people think I can't do anything nice?

Perrie: Experience.

Jesy: But I am nice.

Leigh-Anne: Yeah, to me. Not to anyone else.


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