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Jesy: I love the word "fuck" so much.

Leigh-Anne: Why?

Jesy: Because "fuck" is probably the only fucking word that can be put every-fucking-where and still make fucking sense.

Jade: You don't just love the word. You love the verb, as well 😏

Jesy: That I do 🙊


*After winning an award*

Perrie: First of all, apologies to everyone for putting the word "dick" in our song but everybody swears at these things so dick, shit, fuck. Anyway, thank you very much, eh yeah, thank you for everyone for voting. Uh, we- as you can see, we're not very good at talking. I don't know why I got nominated to talk because I'm absolutely horrendous and my heart's beating outside my chest. But yeah, thank you and thanks.


Perrie: *Plays with magic trick set*

Perrie: Oh my Gosh, the rabbit disappeared!

Jesy: *Dead serious* you're a wizard, Perrie.


Jesy: Do you want to be the sun in my life?

Jade: Yes!

Jesy: Good. Then stay 93 000 000 miles away from me.


Perrie: The dumbest person in the world lives in Madagascar.

Leigh-Anne: I thought you lived in England?


Lawyer: All in all, you'll pay £75 000.

Jesy: *Opens empty wallet* is tears an acceptable form of payment?


Jade: *Sneezes*

Leigh-Anne: Bless you, love.

Perrie: God bless.


Perrie: Aren't you gonna say anything, Jess?

Jesy: She's married to me. If that's not being blessed, then I don't know what is.


Perrie: Do you have a favourite member?

Jesy: No, I love you all just as much.

Perrie: It's Leigh, isn't it?

Jesy: She's so sweet and unproblematic.


Jade: Do you want to know why Meowth always tries to catch Pikachu?

Leigh-Anne: He's part of Team Rocket. Their goal is to catch Pikachu.

Jade: No, it's because Meowth is a cat and Pikachu is a mouse. Basic animal instinct.


Leigh-Anne: *Breathes*

Jesy: *Breathlessly* oh my god.

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