


After thanking my dad again and exiting the car I walk inside the hospital and see both Ike and Robin at the front desk. "Guys!" I call out to them before making my way over a bit surprised as Ike places a visitor pass in my hands. "Hey, is everyone okay?" I ask, noticing how the two weren't arguing despite the scene that took place yesterday which had probably left Robin with a hangover.  "Honestly, I don't know. Roy said Dark was here and we're just real worried so we were waiting for you in case you knew anything else." Robin glances down the hall as he speaks as if he were anticipating going into the hospital room. Ike simply nods, which is kind of out of character but then again his friends are the most important things in the world to him, he would gladly fight for each of us and it probably was really painful to know the sunshine of our group was currently hospitalized. 

"We should go see him now." I look at the two of them determinedly, hoping that once Dark was better he could help me raise all of our spirits. I led both Ike and Robin down the hall 'till we reached a room marked with Dark's name on the outside. Robin seemed to grow more anxious as I knocked gently, leaving all three of us in shock as Roy himself opened the door. "Roy are you okay?" Ike asked a bit more talkative now as Roy let out the most pathetic imitation of his usual smirk. Roy looked different, like really different, his fiery red hair was a bit off, almost like he'd been running his hands through it like he only does when he's stressed, not to mention his face which was just... sad, like sadder than ever sad. And what was even weirder was the sight of Dark's twin brother huddled up on the couch-like chairs in the hospital room's corner seeming like he'd just woke up not too long ago. Honestly he looked worse than Roy, it seems most of the bandages he had around his arms on Friday were gone and it was much more apparent that he was covering up the bruises and.. cuts.. on his arms. Which only reminded me of what i'd been doing this morning. God i'm a fucking idiot..

I looked away from them and focused on Dark who was laying nearby in a hospital bed, he was unconscious and bandaged, but at least the look on his face wasn't pained or hurt in anyway. I only wish I had answered the call earlier and came to see him on time, but instead I was drowned up in all  my fucking problems, which don't even fucking matter. And to top it all off I don't even know why this upsets me so much, yes I do care about Dark, he's wonderful, he's amazing, and he was the only one to reach out to me when I was a depressed, lonely, dysphoric fuck. But here's his brother and his best friend, so god knows I have no right to be this upset, if anything I should focus on being here for them. 

Turning myself around I go and sit beside Dark's brother, and yes I know his name is Pit but Dark's mentioned how the guy doesn't like us using his name and I understand that. "Are you okay?" I ask him quietly, leaving the other two to comfort and talk to Roy. Giving me a look Pit raises his brow and looks me right in the eyes. His eyes are weird.. Blue like mine but really different, really in pain. After he notices me looking back he stares down at his hands and seems to shrink away, which kind of make sense seeing as Dark had mentioned before that his brother doesn't deal with eye contact very well, but also kind of didn't based on the reputation he has around school for being able to take three guys larger than him in his first year. "No." He shakes his head and stands. "Why don't we go talk out there?" He points towards the outside of the room and I nod. It was quite strange for someone like him to open up, but then again who knows? Maybe he just needed someone to talk to. 

After I follow him outside the room like he suggested I was surprised to find him grab onto the sleeves of my hoodie and roll them up. "Um- Wait, what are you doing?" He glances up at me and let's go of my arm. "I'm sorry," He apologizes, "I had this feeling that something just wasn't.. right." I look at the scars on his arms and get trapped in my head by the thoughts that begun to swirl around. Does he know? Would he tell the others? How did he figure it out? Maybe everyone already knows or knew and they just haven't mentioned it??

I don't what exactly I didn't want him finding out, but nothing about me was something I wanted to expose. 

"You mean.. cutting..?" I choked out the word a bit debating on whether or not to lie to hide my secret and being truthful so he knows he's not alone. He crosses his arms and holds them closer to his chest as he looks away. "I think? I'm sorry I shouldn't have just assumed.." He mumbles "I just wanted to know that you five were okay too." "Five?" I ask him confused, totally not just trying to change the subject. "Yeah, all of you guys Roy, you, Ike, and Robin." He raises a brow, probably not realizing what he just said. "Oh, I think you forgot someone." I smirked a bit when the realization hit me. 

"No..?" He honestly looks bewildered, "You, Roy, the other two... and... oh him." His eyes widen a bit and I swear his cheeks were tinged a bit pink. I gave him a smile and gently nudged him in the side, "If I'm correct I remember you being the first one to talk to the blonde stranger, weren't you?"  "I-i.. I don't know what you mean, you-" I interrupted the poor embarrassed guy with friendly shove in the side. "Don't worry buddy, you don't have to say anything." 

Surprisingly enough he doesn't threaten to kill me. With a sigh he gives me a look that lets me know he's trying not to smile. "Your'e my favorite, dude." Honestly i'm a little shocked he said that about me, but it still makes me a little happy hearing. "Thank you?" I question a bit as he begins to walk away. "But where are you going?" He stops for a second and looks back to me. "Um, the bathroom. Not everywhere I go has to have some kind of tragic story behind it." I chuckle a bit and nod in understanding.  

Same as Usual (Pit x Link)Where stories live. Discover now