22. Meeting The Rents

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"Come on." I said lightly grabbing Nadia's arm and pulling her towards the kitchen.

Once we got in the kitchen, I let go of Nadia's arm, but I kept my fingers laced with Raquel's. My parents were engaged in a conversation, but stopped when they saw us.

I didn't say anything once we made eye contact. I just stood there and let my parents take everything in. My mom looked between Raquel and me and down at our hands, but instead of throwing us out, she smiled.

"Don't just stand there. Come give me a hug." She said opening her arms and I was shocked at her reaction, but I let go of Raquel's hand and did as my mother said.

My mother hugged me a little tighter than usual and it felt like she was trying to hurt me. Then again, maybe I was just being paranoid.

I hugged my dad next and then came the hard part.

"Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" My mom asked and I took a deep breath before going back over to Raquel.

"This is my girlfriend, Raquel." I said waiting for my parents to throw us out, instead, they both just smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, Raquel." My mother said with a smile that I couldn't analyze. Was she being genuine?

"It's nice to meet you too." Raquel smiled in returned.

My dad was kind as well and then my mom narrowed her eyes at Raquel. Oh no.

"Do you like to cook? We could use some extra hands in the kitchen. Malaya doesn't like helping me, but I always make her." My mom spoke not passing up an opportunity to shade me. She wasn't lying though.

"I love to cook." Raquel smiled. "Just tell me what you need me to do."

And just like that, my mom stole Raquel away from me. I offered to help in the kitchen, but she shooed me away. I ended up just joining Nadia and her dad in the living room.

"Should I have stayed in there with them?" I asked Nadia and her dad and they both just shrugged.

"Grandma seems to like her. Let's face it, Raquel is perfect. Abomination or not, the grands are gonna like her because she's just an all around likable person." Nadia commented and I laughed at the 'abomination or not' part.

"What if it was all an act to get her alone?" I asked and Nadia frowned.

"I doubt grandma wants Raquel for herself."

"That's not what I meant, jackass." I rolled my eyes at Nadia's stupidity.

"Don't call my daughter a jackass." Nasir glared at me and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"You two are seriously no help. Can't you see I'm worried about my girlfriend's well being?"

"You're overreacting. If the grands had an issue with Raquel, they would have thrown her out the moment you walked in holding holds. They didn't even flip when you introduced her as your girlfriend, so maybe you should relax." Nadia spoke trying to calm me down.

"She's right. If they aren't freaking out, you shouldn't be either." Nasir added.

"You said they were being weird when I first got here. What were they doing?" I asked Nadia.

"They were asking about Dani. Apparently they over heard us on the phone earlier and they want to meet her." Nadia explained. "I said they were weird because they know Dani is my girlfriend. They know I'm gay, so why would they want to meet her when they've expressed how wrong and disgusting they thought I was for dating girls in the past?"

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon