Movie Debut: Predator

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Donte: Thank you very much sir.

Mercedes came into the kitchen with Skylar, her sucker in her mouth.

Mercedes: Who was that.

Donte: You know the man who produced the Predators movie right? Well he wants me to appear in their newest movie and play the lead role.

Mercedes: Really? What about Skylar?

Donte: Don't worry honey, it'll only be a one time thing. After that, I'll be no where but here.

Donte hugged her close, kissing both girls on their foreheads.

Donte: Plus, the producer said if you wanted to come watch that would be fine, so its not like I'm leaving you here to watch Skylar by yourself.

Mercedes: Alright, when does shooting start?

Donte: Next week, and most of the movies shots need to be done overseas.

Mercedes: Wait, than that means...

Donte: Start packing, babe, we're going to the Bahamas.


The Couple of Mercedes and Donte had just arrived on the set of the movie Predator: Gods.

Skylar was all nicely dressed up, wearing one of her mother's shirts, and her father's jacket from the WWE shop.

Producer: Donte! Glad you could make it. And this must be Mercedes. My names Paul, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Mercedes: Its nice meeting you as well. Thank you for this opportunity.

Paul: if you both will follow me. We need to get Donte here all suited up. We'll be starting with predators scenes. Trust me, the suit will get you all sweaty through the day.

As they were getting Donte suited up, once finished, Mercedes took a picture of Donte with the Predator attire on, which was set to look like a be tier of the Predator, known as the God Predator, a Predator able to take human form.

Mercedes posted the picture to Instagram, with the caption:

-What an experience this is gonna be #Predator

Fans had already guessed it what Donte under the suit. Many were commenting on how excited they were for the movie to come out.

Mercedes watched as the scenes were done, Skylar clapping with a smile.


A few months had passed and the movie was almost finished. With the last scenes set, with Donte's character Alex set to be revealed as the God Predator, as they can shapeshift into human forms. So basically, Alex seen in the entire movie was actually the God Predator.

Donte and Mercedes were now in their hotel, as the movie was now finished. Donte was singing Skylar to bed, as Mercedes sat next to him.

Suddenly, Donte got a call from Hunter.

Mercedes took Skylar from him as he stepped out to the balcony.

Hunter: Donte, glad I could get to you.

Donte: Nice to hear from you, Hunter. Is there a problem?

Hunter: No, nothing too important, first off, congratulations on the movie debut.

Donte: Thanks, it was really fun working with them. And before you ask, it was a one time thing.

Hunter: Of course, I did allow it. I was calling to ask when you would be able to come back. Theres no pressure on when, I just want to get an estimate.

Donte: Understandable. I know you know where I'm coming from since you have three daughters of your own, that I want to be there to watch her grow up. So it's been a couple months, but I need some more time, possibly another year, to be there for Skylar.

Hunter: I understand completely. While you're gone, Travis will be holding your spot, is that fine.

Donte: Of course, the dudes like a brother to me.

Hunter: Alright, I'll be thinking of what we'll do with you once you return.

Donte: Thank you, have a good night Hunter.

Hunter: To you as well Donte.

Donte hung up, walking back in to see Mercedes holding a sleeping Skylar. He smiled at the sight, glad at the decision he's made when it came to his career.

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