Being a Heel

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[Reminder - Italics = Flashback]

"So this is who you leave me for?" MIkaze asked, his arms crossed, Sasha grabbing onto Brandon's arm just in case.

"What do you want Mikaze?" She asked. Brandon watched the shorter man closely, making sure his eye's never left Mikaze's form, just in case he tried anything.

"Just wanted to see who your new boy toy is, since it seems that's all he is to you."

"I would never see Brandon that way. I have so much more history with him than I did with you." Sasha shot back, as Mikaze seemed to step forward. Once Brandon saw this, he moved Sasha behind him. Mikaze looked up at him and scoffed.

"What're you gonna do tough guy, or is that really just your character?" Mikaze kept pushing the buttons.

"That coming from the failed wannabe wrestler. Kid Mikaze, or is Rutherford Hayes the right one?" It was Brandons turn to push the buttons. [True stuff]

"Heh, funny." Mikaze nodded a couple times. Soon, he launched a punch, hitting Brandon right in the nose. Brandon did stagger a bit, but didn't fall over. When he turned back to where Mikaze was a second ago, he was no longer there.

"Damn...I thought he would at least have a stronger punch, but I'm pretty sure all three of my dogs can hit harder than him." Brandon joked, as Sasha moved in front of him.

"Your nose is bleeding." She stated, as she reached up to look at it.

"It's whatever, trust me, I've been through worst." Brandon reassured her with a small smile and a hug.

"Come on, let's go get it checked out."


The next Monday NIght Raw, It was already after the opening of the show, as Renee was shown backstage.

"Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome my guests at this time, Sasha Banks and Jake Wolf." The crowd instantly started to boo, as they walked into view. 

Jakes face was nothing but dark and serious, but that couldn't be seen because of the golden colored gas mask covering his face. Sasha walked in front of him, a wide smile on her face.

"Sasha, Jake, last week, your brutally assaulted Finn Balor and Bayley. I think everyone wants to know, as do I, why?" Renee moved the mic closer to the Sasha mouth.

"It's simple Renee, since I've been here in the WWE, every time I have won that Raw Woman's Championship, I've been screwed out of it. And I don't know if you know this, but my man here, Jake, is a world class wrestler, and has been here for months, competing in nothing but Squash Matches. Is that how this company treats their talent, especially two of their greatest? So why we did what we did is simple, we're both done waiting to be given our opportunities. From now on, we're taking them, and if anyone tries to get in our way, they'll get the same fate that Finn and Bayley got last week. Bank on it."

Jake slowly pulled off his mask, revealing his face, which as said, was dark and serious. He looked into the camera slowly, as Renee moved the mic to his face.

"Renee, I've been all over the world. Canada, Mexico, Japan, Ireland, any place you wanna name, I've been there. And when I finally get that magical call from non-other than Vince Mcmahon, I expected more than how I've been used. So here's how it's gonna go get in my way, you end up on a hospital bed fighting for your life. You come back, you wind up sleeping in the dirt. And if you somehow, some way, make it back, then I'll take you straight down to hell. Renee...this is a warning to everyone in that locker room. Don't. mess. With. Me. You wanna test me? That's fine, I'll simple take..." Jake paused, as he pulled a sledge hammer out from behind his back, which he was known to use throughout his career. "...This bad boy, and shove it right up your back side." 

As the two were about to walk off, they both were ambushed from behind, as Finn and Bayley came in swinging, beating the hell out of the two, as Jake dropped his sledge hammer. 

Sasha and Jake started to fight back, as referee's started to come in to stop the fight. As it seemed everyone was away from each other, Jake came out of no where, jumping on Finn and taking him down with a spear, as they continued to beat down on each other, the same happening for Sasha and Bayley. 

As the ref's got Finn back, Jake came back, but this time, he hit Finn right in the jaw with his sledge hammer, knocking out the Irish Wrestler. This caused Bayley to lose focus on Sasha, allowing the Boss to take control and take her down with a mean and nasty right hand, knocking her to the floor.

As the two original attackers were laid out on the floor, Jake and Sasha looked down upon them, as Jake had his sledge hammer thrown over his shoulder.

"Should've stayed in your lane." Sasha said, giving Bayley one more kick to the stomach. She let out a laugh, as Jake put his arm around her, and they walked off. The camera went back to Finn and Bayley, as they were being checked on by the referee's, before the show went to commercial break.

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