"They are in Lucknow. In Sheesh Mahal. Remember the place where we first met?" He informed softly.

She lowered her eyes without taking the phone.

How could she forget that place or that night when he entered like a hurricane in her life and ruined her perfectly built peaceful life?

She could never!

"How do you know?" She spat abruptly standing up and giving him a push back. "You said you won't search for them!" She hissed.

"I didn't. I kept my words. It's just that I call Sheesh Mahal once every month to ask about the palace of whether they are taking care of it or not from the head servant there. That's why I called today morning and got to know a family is living there in one of the portions consisting of three people whom Di has sent. I didn't need to ask who they were because you and I both know whom Di has been hiding." He explained in detail but still the distrust in Khushi's eyes stayed intact.

She didn't believe him. He could see that. So he let her be and himself scrolled down his contact list. Upon reaching the number he was about to touch call button when she snatched the phone from him and threw it across the room in vengeance leaving him completely dumbstruck.

"Khushi!" He snapped. He couldn't help it. "You wanted to talk to your mother didn't you? Now when I am giving you that you have a problem with that too?"

She breathed harshly before looking up at him fiercely. Certain memories flashes in her eyes.

"Does your so-called Amma know what are you going through?"

He has then dialed Garima's number despite her protests. And has very mercilessly told her everything she went through. She was going through with him. And when her Amma asked about her she does remember what exactly did he say.

"Actually she can't talk because she don't want to. How can she when she is sobbing right?" He stated making Khushi dumbfounded.

"What?" Hearing her Amma's torn voice made her inside churn.

"Yeah." Arnav said casually."Do you know we are all alone in a big mansion and your daughter is being watched by me 24/7? She needs my permission to do everything. Even if its sleeping , eating or breathing even!"

"Y our daughter is living in a hell as she liked to call it. Do you know she just begged me to let her go because she can't bear it anymore?"

"Please let her go. I will do anything. You want to punish me right? Do whatever you want to but just don't do this to her."

Knives twisted in Khushi's guts hearing her mother plead like that. She reached for the phone again. He extended his arm away from her and with the other kept holding her to his side.

"She is mine do you get that Garima Gupta?! And you ... you are going to live with this guilt of being responsible for the ruined happiness of your daughter every minute , every second of your life."

"Please bitwa?" Garima sobbed and Khushi couldn't handle it anymore.

She wriggled extending her arm to thrash the phone or better break it to stop him but he folded her arm painfully behind her back even before she could hit the cell.

She couldn't help but cry out in helplessness as she heard the heart wrenching sobs of her mother tearing her apart.

"I am surprised Garima Gupta. I have just started and you are breaking already. What would become of you when I will be fully done with you?"

Kaash Mai Tumse...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें