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"Katherine" he said locking the door behind him. "what are you doing here sir. It is not a hour of the night where you should be alone with a random girl" I said.

"you are not any girl Katherine and you know it too" he said. "I am not your secretary anymore sir" I said. "So you are saying that you are declining my offer right?" He asked.

"Yes I am declining your offer" I said. "Katherine what you saw back there..." He started. "Is none of my concern Mr. Rodriguez? I am just your employee or was your employee anyways. You kept end of your deal and I kept mine." I said.

"I see Miss Davis. So you are terminating the contract between us" He said.

"Invisible contract and our visible contact both" I said. He suddenly pinned me to the bed. "You think you can get rid of me this easily?" he asked.

"I am simply stating my decision to you sir" I said. "I am not relieving you off your duties Miss Davis. I told you I want you and I will get you Love" He mocked.

Before I can kick him he held my legs. "I know you more than you know yourself. Katherine Davis you will be mine one day willingly" after that his lips captured mine.

I woke up panting on my bed. Why am I keep dreaming off him. I cut off every tie with him. That night after I saw him with another women. He didn't bother to explain it to me. I didn't talk to him for rest of my stay. I enjoyed time with my father. I wanted to tell him about that old hag and her plans but I never got a chance.

A week after the incident we left for London. It was awfully quite journey for my taste. The before we arrived I got inside his cabin. He sat there looking at me. "Mr. Rodriguez" I said. He looked up from his papers.

"Yes" He said. "This is our last day together" I said. "I know Katherine." He said. "And we may never see each other again" I said. "we will see each other again" He said.

He words were not empty it held a promise. " Here is the pay I told you I give you" He said giving me a bag containing coins. "But isn't it too much?" I asked.

"It's your share from the treasure use it wisely" He said. Then he stood up and came towards me. "Do you really want to leave Katherine?" he asked. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Do I really have to say?" he asked.

"As much as I want to stay Christen I cannot I have a work left at my home? And I have to do it no matter what." I said. He nodded and kissed my lips softly. "I wish you could have stay Katherine. But I understand." He said.

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked. "I felt like it" He said. "It felt like goodbye" I said to him. "It is not good bye it was a reassurance that it will never be a goodbye for us" he said.

"You don't love me do you?" I asked. "I do not love Katherine. I don't know how it feels to be in it because I never been into love or no one ever did loved me. In my world there is betrayal but no love." He said. "If I ever stayed would there be a future for us?" I asked. "No" he said.

It had been a month since I returned home. And surprisingly my old hag mother had not announced my engagement yet.

And she also gave me my old room back. She was planning something big I can tell. And my father was suddenly become ill after we came home.

I have to stop her from whatever she was doing to him. But what? How could I know. " papa how are you feeling today?" I asked my father. "I am better today Kathy .You should go out and enjoy with your friends." My father said.

"I am here with you papa I don't want to go out please" I said. "You are still thinking about him aren't you?" He said. "No I am not" I said.

"You are a bad liar just like your mother Kathy" He said. "ok I dream about him again. I wish I could just take him out my head father" I said.

"Maybe you don't have to Kathy. There are some people you cannot forget because they meant to be into your life." He said. "I don't want Mr. High and almighty Rodriguez in my life" I said.

"Then you really don't need it" He said. "What I don't need papa?" I asked. "Well nothing there is a ball where our whole family is invited it is in fact a masquerade ball. And it is thrown by none other than Mr. Christen Ace Rodriguez" He said. "So why do I need that invitation for?" I asked.

"He sent you a personal invite. Here it is" My father gave me a beautiful green envelop and a small jewelry box. It reminded me of his eyes. Why cannot I just get him out of my head?

Did he have to be everywhere in my mind? I took the items and walked towards my room. I still wore the bracelet he had given me. I still don't know why I cannot take it off me. Every time I tried I just stop in the middle air. I just couldn't do it.

I locked my door so no one can come inside. I opened the box it contain the locket I saw into the bazaar when he took me out during the trip to Egypt. So he did saw that. Or may be Ibrahim told him. Then I opened the letter.

"Dress Like a princess because I want to see you like that"

Still intimidating into the letter too Mr. Rodriguez.

"I look forward to the dance you owe me and maybe more afterwards Love" 

More? That seem so unreal coming from your mouth.

I will wait for you my one and only queen.

With love


Your Fake fiancé

I was loss of words. Christen Ace Rodriguez never fail to amaze me. He was perfection and he wanted me. But the question is am I going to give into him this much easily? No. He said we don't have a future together yet he wrote this letter to me. Did he really think that I am going to be this much easy?

He is so wrong. I am not going to fall for his act no matter what. If he wants me. He has to win me over. And with love. And at the ball I am going to show him exactly how many suitors I have. He is not the only one that wants me. And I will make him want me. He messed with me and he will pay for it.

I walked outside my room after hiding the letter and box. I still don't trust those three women. I never trusted them. I saw my step mother hurrying with the dresses. So she is trying to marry her daughters off to Mr. Rodriguez. I like to see her try. "Katherine don't just stay there help your sisters" She said.

I nodded. Time to find out what they are up to. My so called sisters are laughing. "Ladies behave if you want to impress the host you need to poise like a perfect lady. That means do not laugh loud. Seduce him if you have to and make sure at the end of the ball one of you secure Mr. Rodriguez as your husband.

If I know Mr. Rodriguez he goes for more adventurous girls rather than well poised girl. He loves challenge and by the end of the night he will have one.

"Katherine look she is so lost thinking about my future husband" Jessica said. "You mean Mine?" Dana interrupted. I just smirked. Oh girls you are in for a surprise.

"Katherine I know you want him but you cannot sadly you are not as beautiful as us or talented. I feel sorry for you" Jessica said with fake tears in her eyes.

I feel sorry for you Jessica because the man you are after wants me. And he will do anything to get to me. "She is creepy" Dana said.

"Now girls try on the dresses" The old hag said. "Sadly your father is ill and cannot go. I will just go and give him the milk" She said. "Actually mother you should help my sisters.

I heard that they are giving gifts to the one who would dress most beautifully among others" With that I left and I heard crashing sound behind me and Emilia's shouting to behave themselves.

I gave my father milk and let him sleep. "You have a dress right?" Dana asked. She was sweeter than the two. Rarely ever insulted me when no one was around.

"No I don't have dress Dana" I said . "you are not coming?" She asked . "I am afraid not" I said as I bid them good bye. "Stay safe and tell me everything" I said. "Right time to work on the best dress" I said getting inside my house again.


Word Count: 1583 words

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now