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"Are you alright?" James asked as we shielded ourselves. "M..Mr. R0driguez" I shouted. Where is he? I looked around as I didn't found him. No he wasn't that fool to head out in the storm alone or did he?

I looked at the Camel one of them is missing. Oh no did he not see the storm approaching?. "I have to find Mr. Rodriguez" I said. Before James could stop me I ran out looking for him.

I searched entire place where our shelter was but he was no where to be found. Millions of thoughts crossed my mind. What if he was hurt or forgot his way no no no. Please be safe. "Ibrahim" I shouted. "Ibrahim" but I knew they cannot hear me over the violent wind. Oh no what am I going to do.

I have to find him no matter what. I somehow manged to get to my camel. I urged it to move. Where is he? Was it because what happened today? It was my fault again? If something happen to him I cannot be able to forgive myself ever.

I noticed a black thing floating in the wind. It was his tail coat. Mr. Rodriguez. I ran towards him. "Sir Mr. Rodriguez sir?" I shouted. No response came. Maybe he cannot hear me after all.

I have to get him after all I am one of his protectors. I got there and I can see the storm drawing closer. I have to keep him safe anyhow. "Mr. Rodriguez" I said as I approached fast toward him. "Mr. Rodriguez" I called and he looked at me.

"Miss Davis why are you here where are the others?" He asked. "They are little back and you may have came little far before they gave storm warning we have to get back to them." I said. "No we will not make it we have to find safe place and let the storm pass" He said. "Where is your Camel sir?" I asked. "There" he pointed towards the animal at little distance.

We walked fighting the stronger wind. His hand was holding mine. And my camel was walking behind me. The two camels sat together with us in the middle. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"yes Miss Davis" He said. "so why did you come to protect me when others didn't" He asked. "I called for Ibrahim and he too was nowhere to be found. Maybe he is searching too or stuck somewhere" I said.

"Or both" he said. "or both" I confirmed. "Miss Davis you were the last person I thought about coming and finding me" He said. "You offended me sir you pay me for this" I said in flat tone.

" I pay you for many things and it is not one of them. I promised you to keep you safe Miss Davis at least until you are united with your father" Mr. Rodriguez said.

"But that is not the reason why you were not expecting me to save is it Mr. Rodriguez?" I asked. "no you are right I thought that after what happened this morning you don't want to see my Face Miss Davis" He said.

"yes right Sir but I cannot let you die after all you are paying me at the end of this trip and if you die no one will be left to pay me my salary" I said. "you and I both know this is more to this Miss Davis" He said.

Sand storms are sometimes very beautiful. Well it does look beautiful when we see from distance. But we know the destructive nature when we get closer. It can bury you alive. "You are thinking hard again Miss Davis" Came a voice. How do you know Mr. Rodriguez what I am thinking?" I thought.

"Miss Davis in case we are buried alive here I wanted to know you were a very good company and I enjoyed my time with you" Mr. Rodriguez said and I nodded.

"I wish I could say the same to you" I said. He laughed. He actually laughed. Mr. I am so serious I don't smile Rodriguez actually laughed. He saw me looking at him and he stopped. "I...I" He was loss for words. He don't know what to say. I am also speechless. I too don't know what to say to him.

The sand started rising and we were huddled together. We were between two camels and the smell was not helping either. "Breathe through this" He said giving me a damp cloth. It keeps the sand out." He said and put another one over his face.

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora