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I picked out my sack and ran towards the end of the tunnel. I have to find the camels and get out of here fast. I have to find Mr. Rodriguez and others. What left of us anyway. I gulped at the thought.

Those man died because a crazy man is obsessed with me. I ran my hand through tangled locks. My hairs and I stink of alcohol.

I saw a torch and picked it up. I proceeded towards the end of the tunnel again. Mr. Rodriguez I hope you are ok. I saw the camels lined up sitting hurdled together. I saw Judah give them command may be if I did they followed his maybe they will listen to me too.

I tied them together. And tried them to get up. That looked easy but they are not listening. "up" I said they looked at me and started eating again. These dumb animals. Common now I have to get out of here and you only know the way please just get up. I saw one who was sitting afar. How didn't I saw it before? Maybe they too have a leader or something.

Please be a girl and understand my girl problems. I moved my hand towards it. It looked at my hand and sneezed at me. Really? I pulled the cloak and wiped myself out. I tried again. This time it didn't sneezed or tried to bite my hand. Good. I pick out a corn and held it out. It took it gladly and started eating it.

"Good girl Well I hope you are a girl" I said. "Now will you lead me out of here?" I said. It moved. That means it is a girl.

"Come on girl help me with this" I tied it with others and climbed after placing my sack over The saddle and securing it. I hit her a little with a stick and she got up. "yes girl come on" I said.

I saw other camels stood up too. So she is the leader. Good it was a good thing that they didn't unloaded anything from camels. "now You will see Christen Ace Rodriguez" I thought. "lead me out of here girl" I said and she started to move.

Minutes later we were under the clear sky. Now I know we have to move north. Maybe they are on their way so I will be safe and they may not been far from here.

I tried to remember what Mr. Rodriguez teach me about stars. I have to follow the biggest and brightest star. Yes the Northern star. I look and Concentrated on it.

Come on focus. I told myself. The brightest star in sky. I remember. I looked at the sky it made me gasp. I never saw a night as beautiful as this. "look girl the star we are looking for" I said and urged her to move towards north.

Please don't be far . I don't want to lost in this desert and die. I have to find my father but I have to warn Mr. Rodriguez too. And why not he would sign my paycheck this month. I cannot let him die before this can I?

Is it just because of some money?


Only money not him? You don't care about him?


Yes you do

Keep your opinions to yourself

Am I seriously arguing against me? I am just getting Insane the desert is gaining on me. But I know the truth I miss Mr. Rodriguez and Ibrahim. I know this is bad because when I find my father and when the trip ends we will be far apart. I will not see him again. I hate to admit this I will miss him.

His comments, his cold attitude, His mood swings, his green eyes, his kisses. I cannot be able to take him out of mind now. He was right when he said that I will compare him to everyone I meet. I will because the truth is Only Christen Ace Rodriguez ever gotten closer to me like this.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't saw that my camel jerked before stopping. I quickly pulled out my dragger as I already lost my sword. I saw a figure with a gun. I don't want to die before I meet Mr. Rodriguez . I have to tell him. "Whoever you are hand over the camels" wait that sounded like "Ibrahim?" I said.

"My lady?" He asked. "Where are the others?" I asked. "I was left in charge of arranging the camels my lady" Ibrahim said. "What about the other troop?" I asked. "only 3 left now we have only seven men left my lady" Ibrahim informed.

"Where is Mr. Rodriguez taken me to him right away" I said. I walked with Ibrahim and the camels. I saw his figure slumped. He was poking the fire with his eyes downcast. "Saheb I have arranged the Camels" Ibrahim said. "We will leave by the day break and rescue her Ibrahim I promised that I will protect her I failed" Mr. Rodriguez said in a broken voice.

"I know you are concerned about my safety Mr. Rodriguez I appreciate your attempts to rescue me" I said. His head snapped at my direction. Relief flooded his features. "Katherine are you alright? Did he do something to you?" Mr. Rodriguez asked.

"Let's say you won't be seeing them for long, long time." I said. "I was right about you miss Davis. You indeed are a woman of many talents." He said.

"I had brought camels and supplies Mr. Rodriguez" I said pointing to the camels. He nodded. Just then I saw someone. I can't believe it. "James" I shouted. He looked at me and minutes later he engulfed me into hug. "Kat I thought we lost you" he said. "Surprise thought I saved your rear" I said and we both laughed.

I accidently looked at Mr. Rodriguez. His eyes were like molten fire. His green eyes turned dark in anger. I pulled away from James.

"Why are you so angry over this Mr. Rodriguez what James ever did to you?" Mr. Rodriguez stayed silent for rest of the night. His gaze was burning at me side when sat behind James with my food. He kept one arm over my shoulder and we talked.

"So I heard that you are Mr. Cold and I don't care Rodriguez's assistant" I said. James Laughed. "You should not insult my employer my lady. But secretly I think you can come up with the best one" And that made me laugh too. I looked at Mr. Rodriguez and I remembered what he said back at the ship. Suddenly a feel of guilt washed over me.

He may never know what it is like to feel loved or cared. I stood up and walked over him. He was looking at the stars. I stood over him and he raised his eyebrow. I almost blushed almost. I sat down beside him but he didn't say anything or looked at me. He was back to his arrogant self isn't he?

"Why did you saved me?" he asked. "Because you are going to sign my paycheck at the end of the trip sir" I said. Amusement, so other expressions do make their way over Mr. arrogant icy Rodriguez. "Only that?" he asked.

"Yes sir only that" I said. Then again there was a silence fell between us. "Why did you kiss me Katherine?" He asked. "Well I thought I might never see you again so I had to do something also I would have to stop you from doing something foolish. I didn't want you to get hurt." I admitted.

He kept poking the fire and I watched the flames silently. "It felt like good bye" Mr. Rodriguez said. Is he for real? Did Mr. I am so emotionless Rodriguez said he felt like it was goodbye? "I saw him take you and I thought I may never find you" Mr. Rodriguez said. "I am here sitting with you aren't I?" I said softly.

"I broke a promise again I said I will watch your back. I will keep you safe but I failed" He said. I didn't know what to say to him at that time. It wasn't the cold and rude Rodriguez I was use to but it was a new one.

Maybe just maybe I did penetrate within those layers. Maybe I got a little close in figuring out this person. Maybe Mr. Rodriguez was totally different from what he shows.

"Mr. Rodriguez thank you for keeping my words thank you for not coming back and attempt to rescue me" I said. He looked up and his hand rounded against my waist. He pulled me close and said

"You disobeyed me Miss. Davis. I told you to run and you didn't" He said. "But I did saved you and your men" I said. "That you did but" he leaned closer to my ear and whispered "If you were mine I would have punished you for disobeying me Love" I shivered at his words. I looked at him again and he pressed his lips against my temple.

Word Count: 1534 words

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