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"Wake up Miss Davis" Someone said to me. Oh my precious sleep. I want to sleep five more minutes. "Miss Davis" The voice shouted and I opened my eyes. Beautiful green eyes were looking into mine. Green eyes?

Why is Mr. Rodriguez hovering above me like this? I fell asleep didn't I? "Some protector you are" Mr. Rodriguez said. I rubbed my eyes to get the remaining sleep from my eyes. Then I saw it. His suit was draped over me. Why do you have to do it when you don't care Mr. Rodriguez?

"Here it's yours sir" I said giving him the coat. He took it without looking at me. I saw him, he was cleaned up and wearing different attire. "Ibrahim came after you slept we leave in few hours Miss Davis that is if you want to go with us." Mr. Rodriguez said. I stood up and said "why don't I will come with you sir? It's my father's life is on stake" I said.

"Miss Davis" he started his whole posture was stiff and I know he wanted my full attention for whatever he wanted me to tell. "Tell me Miss Davis can you kill someone if it came to that point? Because the place we are about to go is a very dangerous journey we can be trapped. We have to face natural storms, deserts, scorching heat and..." he paused. And? I asked. "Bandits. You have to face bandits so tell me Miss Davis still wants to go on ahead with this trip?" He asked "It's what you pay me for sir." I said.

His hand dropped down from my shoulders and he shied. "Just promise me one thing miss Davis" He said. "What?" I asked. "You will listen to me without questioning because I know this place better then you" He said and I nodded.

"Right then I guess you need to change your cloths. Your luggage is right there I will wait for you outside" he said pointing to a corner where I saw the sack not any other sack but my sack which I came here with.

I picked out the dress I bought and changed into it as quickly as possible. It's a Egyptian dress which were side opening at seams just like the one I had wear for the Dance two nights ago.

The only difference is it covers my body better and the opening only reached up to my knees. I pick out my dragger and strapped it securely at my thigh again. I covered my mouth and my head with another piece of clothing. I am ready now.

I walked out and saw Mr. Rodriguez discussing something with Ibrahim. He looked at me and nodded in approval. It is good that he approves of something. "My lady" Ibrahim said giving me something.

My eyes widen looking at the object. My mother's sword. But how ? I thought I lost it forever when I ran out of that place. "Ibrahim I cannot thank you enough for this" I said putting it around my waist.

We reached towards end of the city and from where the dessert started. "Everyone have the supplies with them?" Mr. Rodriguez asked to the men standing in front of him. "Yes Sir" They repeated.

"Ibrahim you will be on back and Miss Davis and I will lead the men." Mr. Rodriguez said. "Yes Saheb" How can Ibrahim follows him without questioning? How can someone handle this arrogant man without getting a headache?

"Miss Davis I hope you remember your promise" Mr. Rodriguez said coming beside me. "Yes Sir I know I will not question your decision for the rest of the trip." I said in a small voice. "Good take this" He said giving me something. A gun. But why? "Sometimes Miss Davis it's better to be prepared." He said

We mounted the Camel and he was the first one to go. "Follow us closely" He said to some of his men and they stayed behind. "Why aren't they coming?" I asked. "They will once we will be at good distance from this place" Mr. Rodriguez said.

I didn't said anything he wanted me to believe him for this trip closely and I will be doing just that I will believe him. I hope I am taking the right decision by doing it.

As the day started to pass the sun become unbearable. I looked at Mr. Rodriguez and he looked calm as ever. Wasn't he getting affected by heat? And he is wearing his coat which not to mention is black so why I am the one sweating here?

How is he able to navigate within the sand dunes? All of it looks the same. "Mr. Rodriguez?" I questioned. "And I thought we will have silent journey." Mr. Rodriguez replied. I closed my mouth and looked away from him. I don't want him to ruin my mood further.

Few hours passed and I was getting insanely thirsty. I adjusted my head cover and tried to cover more of my face. But Mr. Rodriguez was still standing. I think his cold attitude helps fighting the hot desert.

We have been travelling from daybreak and I saw the sun it sinking little by little. Mr. Rodriguez signaled his men to stop for the night. I dismounted my camel and the camel kneeled down.

"Are you alright Miss Davis?" Mr. Rodriguez asked. "yes sir I am good" I said. "I thought you must have fainted out there in heat and dropped down from your camel." He said. "Thank you for the well wishing Mr. Rodriguez I needed that" I said and walked back towards me camel.

Ibrahim was sitting by the fire. I sat beside him. "Saheb wanted me to look after you" Ibrahim said. "yes probably order you to kill me also" I muttered. "No Saheb will not do that" he said. "Ask that to your Saheb" I said bitterly. Since when did I become such a girl? I never sob over a boy.

He is a man not a mere boy... a green eyed handsome devil of a man.

You again? Why do you have contradict my every single thought?

I am your inner voice I suppose to contradict with everything.

Go away

I cannot literally.

I was so engrossed into argument with myself that I didn't saw Ibrahim shift and someone else occupy the tiny space between us. I came face to face with cold green eyes. I feel chills ran down my skin.

His eyes were hard. His face was void of any expression. "This is going to be dangerous" Mr. Rodriguez said in his usual Icy tone. I gulped as I watched orange flames rise in front of me.

"Fire, so beautiful yet so deadly. Yet it is the greatest invention men ever made because It also give us warmth" Mr. Rodriguez said. Sometimes It was so hard to understand this man.

"But men knows how to tame it and use it as weapon" He said poking it with a stick. "Katherine Davis you are like this fire and want to tame you. You are deadly and yet I carve you. You are exactly opposite to me but I want you" He said. His green eyes are stormy. Just we were about to kiss Ibrahim came and said "Saheb we have a problem" which made the spell to break.

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now