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I sat down on the table as I watched the candle flicker. It was about to die anyways. I looked at the time it was three in the morning. Mr. Rodriguez hasn't returned to his cabin and I was almost finished with the paper work.

Sometimes I missed the old life back home. It's been three days since I am here and I cannot believe I am saying this but I actually miss my house and the attic I had as a room. Anything is better than this silence.

I yawned again my muscles are protesting against the work. Two nights I had spent with this stranger. Two nights he had slept on the same bed as me. Two nights I had known him. Just his name and nothing else, he is still the stranger to me.

He is still the one who had tried to take my hunt away from me. It was still a mystery though what he was doing there in the first place. Someone as influential as him don't do fun things. I won't be surprise if I came to know he doesn't know how to have fun and how to enjoy the life.

I took out my father's last letter. I haven't read it yet nor that I can at least not in presence of my step mother. Like I said I have many talents most of which I like to keep hidden inside. My mother taught me to read when I was little.

It was something my father was unaware off. I belong from a small village and village girls weren't suppose to be educated. Like the one who comes from town. They learn to read and write. They are poised and perfected as the noble ladies.

I opened the letter and read it contains slowly tracing the letters in it.

"Dear Katherine,

I am sorry that before I left I couldn't say goodbye to you properly, but you should know that it hurts me to see you like this. Bitter towards everyone around you, you should know that I never meant to hurt you child.

You are the only thing left of me which belongs to her. I know I acted harsh towards you in last few months but I didn't want to come along in this trip with me. Leaving you there far away from me was the hardest decision I had ever taken but it was for the best.

I don't know how much time it will take for me to be back. It maybe months or maybe years, but when I return back to you I am promising you that I will someday take you here with me in the land of mysteries.

You will be in awe of the place. I wish I could take a picture and send it back to you but I cannot sadly.

I wanted to apologized for the way I talked to you but please know that I meant no harm with that. I just wanted you to find a companion for yourself so you don't end up lonely. But I was wrong in forcing you at it.

You have a free spirit just like your mother which isn't meant to be tied down. I know that now so when I return back we will go on the train rides and to the new lands like before. And maybe we can be the father and daughter we were years ago.

With love

Your father

Cairo Egypt

I closed the letter and kept it inside the envelop it came into. I judged him wrong. He wanted to come back to me. He wanted to mend our broken relationship. I have to find him and apologize.

So this is the reason why the old hag didn't read this one to me. She knew that if she did I will never marry the suitors she will choose.

Well I still will not marry the suitor she had chosen. Even that means that I have to spend my rest of life in Egypt.

"Writing letters to the fiancé you didn't liked?" he asked. "I wasn't writing letters I was doing the work and even though I was writing the letter why you would like to know what is in it?" I asked. "I am not interested in the Love talks I was just curious that if you are a spy and sending the information to my rival companies." He said. His voice betrayed nothing it was as before hard and cold.

"You know the Mr. Rodriguez Your rival company will not hire a girl as a spy, because they care about their reputation." I said getting up. "Your paper work is complete Mr. Rodriguez." I said handling him the papers.

"Shouldn't you have an assistant for these kinds of works?" I asked. "I had just never had an efficient one ever" He said. Did Mr. Cold hearted Rodriguez compliment me? That's a first. "Are you tired?" he asked. "No I am good" I said and he gave me a stern look. "Good because I would have a proposal for you" he said.

This better be good because my hands and legs are practically sleeping. "Are you sure that you are not tired?" he asked me again. "I am good Mr. Rodriguez." I said again. We sat down on the opposite beds and he accessed me again. His green eyes were still very intimidating very much calculating.

"So my proposal is you will work for me throughout the trip of the Egypt. And I will help you in whatever you are looking for in Egypt" He said loud and clear. He wants me to work for him.

Christen Ace Rodriguez is offering me a job am I dreaming? "O...k" I said little bit of unsure. "I will pay you little girl I don't take any favors you will get paid just like my every other employee" he said. "So what exactly I have to do?" I asked. "you will be my secretary temporary one but since no one can know that you are working for me you have to pose as the lady I am courting and we will be portray ourselves as a couple who are to be married." He said.

"You mean we have to pretend to be engaged?" I asked.

"Yes" he said.

"I have to pose as a noble lady?"


"We have to act as if we are in love?"


"That means you will touch me or kiss me or hold my hands like other couples?"

"If it became necessary then yes"

"No I will not do that ever I will not let you kiss me or touch me or hold hands I don't even know you" I said. "And you still sneaked into my ship, slept with me in same bed for two straight nights your point is?" He asked in his still cold voice.

"My point is I will not pretend to be your fiancée. It's against all rules I ever lived with" I said.

"Which rules if I may know" he enquired. "The rule which said never tied down to a man even if it is fake. I don't need any man to survive and I definitely don't need you Mr. Rodriguez. I can find my own way thanks" I was about to walk away but he held into my wrist and pulled me to him.

"Mr. Rodriguez this is highly inappropriate I am lady and you shouldn't be doing this" I said. "But I am not doing anything..." he paused and then said. "Yet" "let me go Mr. Rodriguez" I said but his hold tighten over my wrist.

"You will help me Miss Davis if you want to find your father" He said his voice was barely a whisper but it was still emotionless as before. "How do you know?" I asked rubbing my wrist as he let it go.

"I have sources Miss Davis" he said. "Why do you want me so badly Mr. Rodriguez?" I asked looking at his eyes. Bad idea because next thing I know he was pinning me down to the bed. That statement came out totally wrong.

"I want the best for me and you happen to be the best one I ever encountered. You have no idea how badly I want you Katherine" he said in his usual cold tone as his hands left mine. His last sentence stuck in my mind like a broken record

"you have no idea how badly I want you Katherine" and it's not because how he said it but because he took my name for the first time. And I remember again I need to be cautious around him very, very cautious.

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now