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Silence, it was all I can feel. Silence, that was more deafening than the loudest noise. It was like my life had turned upside down in twenty four hours. Mr. Rodriguez's Coldness had become predominant. He had backed to his old self. It was like those days we spent in the hotel don't ever exist.

I don't know how to guard my heart anymore. I don't know what was lie and what truth was. I saw my left hand the ring was gone and I am now free but was I in reality? And the question is was I want to be free anymore?

I don't know what is happening with me. Why am I not been able to accept that he was never mine? It was all an act. It was a plan to keep other people off track. A decoy, a false image created by Mr. Rodriguez.

None of it was real, he just wanted to use me and he did. I am someone who he had appointed, who he would pay at the end of the journey like many others. I am just like many who work for him.

Ibrahim came and sat behind me. "Saheb is well now he is resting My lady. It will take two to three days for him to be able to move even" He said and I nodded. "Saheb was at your room when he was attacked. He was trying to get hold of this when I reached there." Ibrahim said handing me the letter from my father.

Mr. Rodriguez can only do something foolish as this. Why does he have to risk his life for this piece of paper? "I know what you are thinking my lady but Saheb doesn't do anything without purpose.

If he had gone after this letter then it must have been important piece of information for him. "Not important if he had been killed is it?" I said as I got up and got inside.

I saw Mr. Rodriguez trying to sit up on his own. This man never learns does he? I walked towards him and sat down. "You shouldn't be getting up you are still hurt" I said.

"I am alright Miss. Davis; you don't need to be bothered with me. I can take care of myself." He is so stubborn why he doesn't understand that it will do more harm than good. I cannot argue with him, he doesn't want to understand and I cannot make him.

He grunted in pain again. I rushed by his side making him lie down again. Mr. Rodriguez glared at me. "Don't you remember what I have told you about touching me Miss Davis?" He said again.

"I know what you said to me Mr. Rodriguez but please refrain from hurting yourself further" I said curtly. "Here I think you wanted to have this so badly that you almost got killed for this" I gave him the envelop. "Ibrahim" He called. "Yes Saheb" Ibrahim was kneeling at Mr. Rodriguez's level.

"Retrieve the weapons as fast as you can gather the troops we will leave as soon as we can" Mr. Rodriguez ordered. That stubborn man, he doesn't know when to stop.

Ibrahim left us alone. Silence engulfed us again. Mr. Rodriguez took the envelop from my hand put it inside his coat and then put his arm over his eyes blocking the light. "You are still up why?" he asked suddenly.

"Someone has to keep watch so that you don't get killed" I said getting up. "You should get some sleep too my guars are keeping watch" He replied. "One more won't hurt will it Mr. Rodriguez" I said.

"Why are you acting this way? Was it because what I did earlier?" He asked. "Why should I be concerned with it Mr. Rodriguez? You were right I shouldn't be touching you without your consent. After all I am just a mere employee who was just afraid that you might be dead and that is because of me. So no I shouldn't be concerned with it" I said taking out my dragger and watching out of the window.

"Miss. Davis you shouldn't feel this way about it. I chose to protect you first because I knew that you can get hurt I on the other hand have men all over the place who could protect me" He will not stop being his high and mighty self.

"And besides it was only natural if I was your fiancé that loves you then I will first protect you then me" He added. Again with all these fiancé business? I am simply sick and tired of it.

"Well we are not at hotel anymore Mr. Rodriguez, you don't need to prove anything to anyone." I said bitterly. "Please refrain from all these protection business from now on. I can take care of myself" I added. I kept looking out of the window sighing loudly. What did I do to deserve all this mess?

Was it all an act? Was it just a game for you? Was it all meant nothing? Why you said that you will make me submit to you? Why you wanted to make me yours so bad? Was all that you told me was a lie?

"Why am I even thinking all this? I should focus on finding my father and not on all these things. I am getting distracted from my true motive" I said to myself. I can see that this part was really an abandon place. I didn't saw any form of life here.

I looked at Mr. Rodriguez who was snoring softly. How could he sleep in this situation so peacefully? I saw his hairs and I had an urge to run my fingers through it. I shouldn't be thinking like this I and he have totally different purpose in our life.

He needs that treasure because it means no one will be able to get past him. Money for him means power. Money for me means freedom. I can do whatever I want. I can be wherever I want live the life lavishly without being tied down to anyone.

I can finally tell my father the truth about his beloved wife. Maybe he will believe that. Maybe we could be the father daughter pair we always wanted to be. Ibrahim had been gone too long. It's almost evening soon it will turn dark.

I turned around and saw Mr. Rodriguez was looking at me. His eyes locked with mine and I suddenly forgot how to breathe. "I think you like to have some answers Miss Davis" He said and I nodded. He told me to come and sit with him. I followed his orders and sat down facing him. And then he begin explaining to me the reasons of his actions.

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now