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I entered the house quietly. And made my way towards attic or my room, I kept the money into my secret place where they don't look it. I hurried came down to met by more silence. What on the earth could they be.

Well I might start the dinner. I made a stew with some bread. I put the pot on fire just as the three hags arrived.

"Katarina darling why are you doing the chores you should prepare yourself to meet with the suitor not get dirty into burnt coal and wood" Emilia said in a pain streaking voice. She sounded like someone had chocking her.

I didn't know the reason for that politeness until I saw why. A man slightly balding made his way to the house. "This is my lovely Katarina the eldest one of the house" she said and I wanted to choke her for that.

"She is lovely duchess Emilia a beauty blossomed to the highest" he said as his insanely long fingers made me look up. I hate when someone touch me this way.

Few hours ago you weren't complaining though.

Ugh... please someone shut this old hag and my inner voice off. "Now now make yourself home captain. I hope your son will make it on time" The old hag said. "Yes she will be perfect for Henry a suitable wife of high nobility" he said.

"I wish though he doesn't have leave home often for the ongoing wars" He said silently.

"Don't mess this up" Emilia said dolling me up in the prettiest dress I got in my wardrobe. "Be a perfect lady and say yes and you will get your letter." She said. I just nodded like hell I will marry the one you chose you old hag.

I came downstairs and found out that the captain was accompanied by his young version only that he is not balding nothing else interest me.

It will not because you are certainly infatuated with green eyed devil.

We made a small talk and ate dinner. I know I needed to leave so after finishing the remaining chores. I decided to call it a night. Captain and his son will make the long journey home tomorrow morning.

I disappeared into my room which was an attic and waited for them to sleep. I am glad that hag handed me the letter. It was last addressed from Cairo Egypt. Rest address I have to figure out later.

I put the necessary items in back pack and I dressed in my father's cloths. No one like to have a runaway girl do they? Still a problem though I don't know how am I going to get there Cairo or even if I have enough for the journey.

I will found out once I get to the docks. I need a horse. I will take snow my mother's horse. I need to be quite though.

I put on a jacket and hat to complete my disguise not before putting my hairs which were waist length in a bun. I slowly walked out of the house carrying the sack which has extra cloths and food also my father's letter and money. I took reins of Snow my horse. She is one of a kind white and pure as snow itself.

She made happy noises seeing me but I silenced her. "Easy girl don't make any sound now come along slowly" I said. She understood me which is unlikely to be believed by my father or my step mother.

I made my way towards the tree where I kept my weapons. I put my bow and arrow inside the sack and the daggers too only keeping my mother's dagger and sword strapped to my waist. It didn't felt awkward though.

It just felt right. It belonged there. I need to get to the main town by tomorrow morning and make to the docs over next town by nightfall. I need to start now. Good thing I know this forests from my heart so it won't be a problem.

As the first rays of dawn approached I un-mounted snow and filled my almost empty bottle with water. I let snow eat something and then I continued up river. I finally reached to the nearest town from my village.

"Young lad have you been travelling from far?" an old man asked. I tried my best to deepen my voice. "Yes sir you got that right" I said. "So anything specific you are looking for?" he asked "yes sir if you may tell me the nearest place where I can rest my old horse and me" I asked.

"Well yes there is a place nearby young lad" he said mentioning in the direction. I un- mounted my horse and travelled the distance on foot.

I got inside and asked for a room for couple of hours. "You look like a child can you pay?" the owner asked suspiciously. I showed him the money "well sir we have a very best room vacant for you" he said.

He gave me keys and then took my bag. "Take care of my horse for me will ya?" I asked. "Sure sir as you say sir do you like warm water for the bath sir" he asked. I nodded and unlock the door to my room. Funny, what a little money can do?

I set out later that day again for the journey. I needed to be to the docs by the evening or even by the nightfall. The ship leaves then. I purchased the ticket to Cairo and it isn't a cheap one either.

Just as I was about to get out of the forest and by the docs I got ambushed. "Hand all the money you have" Bandits. I should have known. They are not taking my money at any cost. I need it for my search. Search for my father.

I pull out my sword from the sheath and smirked at them. "The young lad wants to fight" The one with yellow teeth said I bet he is the leader of the rest. Snow tackled a few barely douched a bullet.

I worked my own through the leader. I have to be quick or I will miss my ship worst is that old hag will find me and make me marry that good for nothing fellow. I block the attack and somehow I came out unharmed. I ran towards the docs only to see the ship is leaving there it goes my chance of finding my father and wasted money.

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) Completeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें