As my thoughts break me down immensely, I burst in tears.
This is not going to end well, but I must keep staying positive, I hope I will accomplish anything in my life.

Clinton's POV

I feel like Christian telling about Noah didn't make Ellie happier, I could see it in her eyes.

"I wish you didn't talk about Noah. What if she's sad now." I tell Christian.

"Oh shit you're right.. sorry about that. Let's hope she is not"

We're on the way to find a nurse or Ellie's doctor as we would like to know when Ellie is going to get dicharged from here.

"Look, there is a doctor we should ask her about Ellie" Christian points at the young lady talking to another woman, persumably talking to a nurse. I nod. We walk closer to them and wait for the lady to turn around so that we can talk to her. She finally stops speaking then turns around.

"Excuse me doctor, can I ask you a question about the patient Ellie Adams? We're her friends."

"Yeah, I supposed so. I saw you both leave her room." she points at me and Christian with a pen in her hand "What's the question about?" She crosses her arms and listens to us carefully while smiling.

"When is she allowed to go home?"

She waits a little before she answers. "Well now that she woke up and, I persume that she is fine, she might be able to go home even tomorrow."

"Alright, thank you doctor." I smile.
"Anytime Mr" she smiles back at me.

"Could we give our number to the reception so that you could call us perhaps? I want to make Ellie a suprise." Christian asks her and she nods.
"Just give your numbers to me, I'll call you."
After exchanging our numbers we leave the hospital and drive back home.

"What suprise did you talk about though?" I ask Christian.
"I'm gonna bring her to a restaurant. To the studio also"
"Alright.." I mumble "could I join you two when you go to the restaurant?"
"Ehh, I don't think it's a good idea for you to join us." he answers back "after all the things that happened" he adds.
"Yeah, I guess you're right.."

He's definitely not wrong, but I miss her and I want her back obviously. What should I do?

"Maybe you could meet up at the studio while we're there." Christian suggests and I stay silent.
"You still love her don't you" he asks me while his eyes concentrate on the traffic. I'm on the passenger's seat since he wanted to drive this time.
I mumble a "mhm".
"Damn" he sighs.
"I felt the same shit about Laura, but I'm glad I'm fine now. We're almost there."

We finally arrive and before I manage to get out of the car, Christian gets my attention by calling my name.
"Why don't you both just become a couple again I mean, having a son with someone else but not with your love doesn't mean that you actually have to break up with your love."

"I get your point, but imagine that me and Ellie would've still been together. There's a high risk that Noah might become confused about the situation. Even if I waited until he's all grown up, it would be too late for me and Ellie to become a couple again. She wouldn't have waited that long honestly."

"Ughhh" he sighs "seems like you're in a pretty bad dilemma, eh?"
"Exactly.. anyways. Let's go home." We get out of the car and later enter our house.

After closing the door, I take off my shoes and my jacket and hear baby steps becoming louder with time.
"Daddy!" Noah runs to me and puts his arm around my legs. I pick him up.

"Mitchel said something to me, do you know what he told me, mmh?" I rise my eyebrows and look at him. He looks at his fingers as he plays with them.
"I- it.. it was an accident" he pouts while mumbling.
"Promise me to be careful next time. If you use the mixer in the first place of course."

"Also, do not even think about using it on your own lil man, promise?" Christian adds.

"Hmm.. promise" he keeps mumbling.
Christian then kisses Noah's cheek and goes to the living room, and I follow him.
"Mitch, did Jade come back home?" I ask him while he's tidying up the living room.
"Yeah, she's upstairs. In her room."

"Awesome.." I put Noah on the couch.
"Why though? What's up with her"
I walk up to Mitchel.
"She literally came to the hospital and highkey pissed me off." I whisper "Don't even know why she was there. She said she came because of me" I let out a silent laugh.

"Come on bro. We all know she was there only to piss Ellie off and make her jealous just because Ellie broke up with you" he looks at me.
"Yeah true. I'm gonna talk to her this evening. If she keeps doing that shit, she won't live here anymore. I'll throw her out of the house. I don't care. Perio-"

"But what about Noah?" He interrupts me as always.
"I won't let Jade take him with her, don't worry."
"Yuh yuh fine but. I think it's not good for Noah that she leaves this place you know. She should stay because of Noah. Not because of you. You should give her a second chance. Noah loves you both so much"
He talks silently so that Noah can't hear us talking about this situation.

"Yeah you're probably right for the first time in your whole life" I say while thinking about what I shall do with Jade.
"Wow, thank you" Mitchel says "you just offended me, huh?"

I nod chuckling and he leaves me. Even though I have my own ways of how to compliment Mitchel just like before, I still love him. He's my brother after all.

"Dad can we play together?" He asks me.
"Yeah we can" I trun around and give him a little smile.
"What do you wanna play?"
"Hmm or you play and I'll watch you!"
"Play what?"

He walks up to the drawer next to the television and picks a video game. After finding one that he persumably was interested in the most, he shows me the game: GTA V.
"Ohh noo" I laugh "that's not a game for kids. Pick another one"

He puts it away and picks another one.
"This one?" He shows me the cover of FIFA 19.
"Hmm. Yeah why not?" I smile as he takes out the CD and I walk up to him to place it into the PS4.

Later I start playing, while Noah is sitting on my lap watching the game.

"Hey dad?" Noah looks at me, making me draw my attention to him.
"Hmm" I keep playing while listening to him.
"My mom said, she and you did many things together when I was smaller. Can we go to the mountains? And ski like in the past? You me and mom? And don't hurt yourself again, okay?"

While he's looking at me, I pause the game immediately and think about the things Noah just told me about.
I'm so confused..

What? What mountains.. Skiing? I've never skied with Jade nor with Noah before? What the heck?!
Who was Noah talking about?
Was there another guy taking care of Noah?

Hold up, hold up..
Am I actually Noah's real dad, or is it the guy Noah keeps talking about?!

Now it is time for Clinty to find out about the answers to his questions. 😯🙌🏻

Keep voting if you want to find out about the big secret!💕

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