Chapter Nine

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I was the first one to appear in the middle of a sidewalk like we were normally dropped off. Dean appeared next to me a few seconds later. Then Samantha and Sammy. James and Cas were the last two to appear. Then we set off in motion, walking down the street. We walked towards some sort of center of the sidewalk. Dean placed a hand in mine and smiled down at me as he squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Sam," I turned to him. "Can I get my binder back? I kind of feel naked without it."

Sam smiled and nodded as he dug around in my backpack for the binder. Then he realized that he was digging around in my backpack so he just handed the whole thing over to me. I smiled at Sam and placed the bag over my shoulders. A wave of relief came over my body as I turned back to walk forwards. Dean kept his hand in mine as we walked down the street with nothing in mind.

"So who are we supposed to be going after right now," Sam asked as I kept my own hands in his.

"Dickie Pride, another musician and our first drug overdose. Yay," My voice sounded a lot happier than what it was supposed to be. "That sounded way too happy, I'm sorry."

"Are drug overdoses fun for you or something?" Dean smiled as he kept the joke going.

"I mean, they're fun in the fact that we get to go into the seedy underbelly of the city and see what is going on down in reality. Every city has an unfavorable side and I want to see that underside and now I get to see it, at least from the prospective of the era in which drugs were a really bad problem."

"Oh, so that's why you are so excited? You want to see what actually happened to all of your favorite people."

"No, I just want to see this side of the city...if that makes any sort of sense."

"Oh, okay," Dean leaned down and kissed my cheek. "So where do we start if you're so keen on finding out this little conspiracy."

"That is where I have no idea. I think we have to get to find Dickie and get into one of his concerts and his inner circles, you know?"

"Of course, super easy, barely an inconvenience," Sam rolled his eyes and shot me a look as we continued down the street.

"I mean. It can't be as hard as I think it is. Or is it?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to the moose of the man.

"I think it might be a little bit harder than what you might actually expect. We'd have to get past security and everything so that might be an issue."

"I mean, of course that's going to be an issue but like, I have the charm of a normal woman." I pretended to flip my hair over my shoulder and smiled flirtatiously at Sam.

"Or we can just use me to get past security," Samantha spoke up for the first time in awhile and smiled at us.

I pushed us all to the side of the sidewalk so we weren't clogging up the middle of the sidewalk. It was more of a safety hazard than anything else. Samantha just kind of smiled at me and waited for me to do or say something. I turned to the woman next to me and waited for her to speak some more. It was a good idea and I think she knew it. There was a twinkle in her eye as she smiled up at me.

"So you think you can get past security? Like legit?" I asked as I looked at the woman.

"I mean, it can't be that hard," Samantha adjusted her breasts in her corset. Sam and Cas averted their eyes, Dean took a quick look before turning away and James stared at them unabashedly and smiled happily. "I clearly have the charms to get through to some hunters."

"You're right, we just have to find someone who can get us into a concert or something."

Dean smiled, this was almost his specialty at his point, "I've got this. You guys go get Noah sitting down. Make sure he takes his meds, I don't want him dying on us now. We'll meet back here in let's say, two and a half hours, yeah?"

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