Chapter Five

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My eyes scanned the building we now stood in. James took Samantha from my side and dragged her to a bed. I turned my attention to the woman. Her screams of agony filled the air and bounced off of the walls. I ripped off of my belt and wrapped it around her thigh. One quick look at her leg and I knew what was going on.

    "James, get some firewood and start a fire. This leg isn't viable, we're going to have to cut it off."

    "You're going to have to what?" Samantha lifted herself off of the bed and looked at me.

    "I have to amputate, cut the leg off. It looks like the wood shattered your bone and I don't think we can save it with the medicine we have right now to even save it...I'm sorry."

    I tied off the leg with my belt and turned to James. He had begun collecting wood for the fire. Samantha groaned in agony, barely moving. My eyes shifted around the room as I tried to find a sharp object to do the dead with.

    James waltzed over to me and extended a hand to me, "Got a light?"

    "Uhhh...," I dug through my pockets until I felt the cool metal of my lighter as I tossed it over to him. "Yeah."

    James examined the small white Bic lighter in his hands, turning it over in his hands before he turned to the wood pile in the middle of the room. I turned back to Samantha. She was covered in a small sheen of sweat. Her eyes looked around the room slowly. Before I could think about it, I was up out of my seat and looking threw my bag. I pulled out the binder that I always carried with me and flipped through the pages.

    Louis Chauvin died of torture. But the actual cause of death was a shotgun blast to the head and he found at the scene of an abandoned house. Three men were found standing over the body before they had disappeared into thin air, right in front of the police. The police were confused as to what happened so they wrote it off as a figment of their imaginations. A collective hallucination.

    "Still going to have to amputate the leg?" Dean sauntered into the room. His clothes were covered in blood from the backsplash from the shotgun blast. Sam wiped his face and walked over to the fire.

    "Well yes, we don't have the materials to fix it and the bone is completely shattered." I sighed before turning back to the man. "I still don't appreciate you guys making a plan without me and just leaving me to do the nurse work."

    Dean straightened up and shot Cas a look, staying completely silent on the matter. I turned my attention to the woman who was groaning still. Her sweat was becoming worse. She looked as if she was going to die but if I worked quickly then I would have her alive and well. Well, as well as you can be with one and a half legs.

    "I'm going to need a blade if I'm going to do the procedure." Dean nodded, pulling out an angel blade and handing it to me.

    The weight of it felt a lot heavier in my hands knowing what I was about to do. If my mind served me correctly I would have to cut off her leg at the knee which was far above where she had hurt her leg. But it was the only way I knew how to get a clean cute. One that would relive her from all of her pain without getting bone fragments in her skin and muscles. I looked her over before walking over to the fire and placed the blade into the coals.

    "Do we have any sting and a needle?"

    Dean pulled out a first aid kit and tossed it to me. I pulled the blade out of the fire and waited for it to cool off a bit before cutting into the leg. I didn't want to fully burn her leg, just hot enough to make sure I cauterized the wound. Dean pulled off his shirt and tossed it to me. I gave the woman his shirt almost shoving it in her mouth.

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