Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"What do you want to know?" Katsuro asked a she leaning back in his chair.

"Katsuro," Kitiara warned. "(Y/N), is our master. Tell the girl what she wants to know." Her tone left no room for argument.

"Seriously," Katsuro said, leaning forward. "What do you want to know?" he repeated. "I'm obligated to tell you anything you want to know. No boundaries," he said.

"Why did Hariuki steal the swords?" I asked the most boring and crucial question first. "Why did he steal them from the Ishida family if they were rightfully theirs to begin with?"

"See," Katsuro said, standing up and waving a finger at me. "When the contract was made, in the warring states era of Japan, the Ishida and Matsuda families were both very rich and powerful as you learned in the letter. Unfortunately, the Ishida family line was less than kind, for lack of a better word," he explained. They were ruthless warriors, fighting for no reason other than being bloodthirsty savages." He paced the room as he spoke. "When Hariuki heard of these swords that the other family was creating, he knew it wasn't going to turn out well, so he had someone steal them. It was all for the greater good," he explained. "But you learned that all from the letter." I nodded, tying to process the information. It's still hasn't all sunk in quite yet.

"But now you face problems with Ishida's decedents, don't you?" Kitiara broke in.

"Yeah, Takeo Ishida was the one who stabbed me," I told her. She nodded. "What kind of sacrifices was the letter talking about?" I asked. "I understand what will happen if I give the swords over to Ishida, but what about if I kept them?" I asked, frightened of the response I might receive.

"Your humanity," Katsuro said simply.

"Katsuro!" Kitiara scolded, standing up and slamming her fists on the table.

"I'm only telling her the truth!" he shouted. "She needs to know what she's facing. I'm not going to the let her walk into this battle blind."

There was a bang that caused everyone to jump. I looked over to see my father standing, his hands on the table. He looking frighteningly mad. "Stop playing games," he demanded harshly. "(Y/N) may be your master, but I am her father and it is my job to keep her safe. I don't give a single damn about who or what you two are. If the way to keep her safe is to do away with you, I will do it," he threatened. I had never seen him so mad in my life. I was a little scary.

Katsuro sighed and ran a hand over his face. He sat back down and leaned his head back, groaning. He obviously didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry," he said, for once sounding completely sincere. "To be truthful, I don't have another way to explain any of this. I don't want to sugarcoat anything because I want her to know the full truth. Like I said, I don't want to send her into anything blind. She needs to be prepared," he said, staring my father right in the eyes. I looked at my father expectantly. He nodded and sat but didn't look any more happy about what was going on.

"(Y/N)," Kitiara said, taking my hand. "I'm sorry, but this is going to get really messy, and it might be scary, but we wouldn't have accepted you if you weren't the right one for us," she assured. I nodded, trying to prepare myself.

"You know that kid Rin that your friends with? What he is?" I nodded. "As you know, he's a demon, the most powerful they come save for demon kings. We're nearly on the same level on that. Our power is immense and only one who is worthy can summon us."

"Okay," I said hesitantly. "What does this have to do with Rin?" I asked, more confused than ever.

"The power of satan's blue flames almost proved to me too much for him to bare on his own," Katsuro explained.

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