Chapter 12. James' POV

Start from the beginning

"HEY, WHEN DID I TELL YOUS TO STOP WORKING?! WORK!" The guard harshly yelled to those who had stopped working.

The guard then gazed at the two of us and gave us an angry look.



"SILENCE!" The guard interrupted Joey.

"My legs obviously felt dead when you yelled inhumanly at us", I tried back chatting rudely.

"ZIP YOU MOUTH UP!" The guard yelled harshly.

Joey and I didn't know what else to say so we kept getting dragged along, until we stopped at Philip's feet.

Even when Philip was blind and wearing the sunglasses, he still looked creepy. He could probably sense us two, so he slightly tilted his head downwards where Joey and I were put down by the guard.

"Phillip, these two weren't moving away from each other when they were working. So, I have brought them to you to decide if they should get punished or not", The guard said with respect. Phillip looked as if he was deciding to make up his mind whether if we should get punished or not. Every time, Joey and I kept trying to tilt our heads upwards, the guard will just use his foot to slam our heads down into the dirty floor. It hurts.

"Hmm, might as well give them a chance, because they're so pity that I'm sick of punishing them in the past, so for their pity bodies, they need a break from punishment", Phillip rudely said and chucked.

I felt so immensely mad at him that I just want to end this war and to just chop Phillip's neck off.

"You know if you were a worker, you'd feel the same pain that we all suffer. Don't think we're pity! The person who has no heart of an angel is pity!" I yelled at him hoping that what I said will ought him to learn a lesson. I suddenly tilted my head upwards to see Philip's reaction. The guard finally didn't stop me from not tilting my head. Phillip's entire face turned as red as a tomato. I could imagine steam coming out from his ears like a steam engine and Phillip was shaking, a lot.

"SILENCE!" Don't you mess with me!" Phillip yelled and stood from his chair. He raised his walking stick from his hands and tried to hit me with it. Since he can't see, I dodged it and Joey did too.

Before we could try and run away, the guard grabbed us by our hair harshly. It hurt a lot and Joey was screaming from the top of his voice.

"SILENCE! HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO PHILLIP LIKE THAT?!" The guard yelled and his grip on my hair felt harsher than before.

"IT WAS THE TRUTH I WAS SPEAKING! IT'S NOT JUST US INNOCENT WORKERS THAT FEEL PITY! EVERYONE IN THE WORKD WILL FEEL PITIED IF THEY WORK HARD AND GET PUNISHED!" I yelled and hot tears started streaming down my face. This time, everyone stopped working and their faces looked even more worried and concerned than before. All of them forwarded towards Joey and I and one of them tried helping us, but a second guard stopped them and slapped them hard across the face. The worker fell hard on the floor and had his face tilted down towards the floor. He didn't dare to look up and looked like he was in misery. Someone tried to help him up, but the second guard stopped him and slapped his hand hard 6 times. The poor worker's hand turned pink red and looked bad.

"HEY, LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU SELFISH LITTLE PARASITE!" Joey yelled out,but in the middle of his sentence, his voice felt broken because of how loud he yelled.

"DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT!" The second guard yelled.

Joey tried escaping, but the guard's grip on his hair looked harsh and strong.

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