Part 16

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Hello, everyone, I am not dead...Yet. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been procrastinating and focusing on my other books that I am also ignoring. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The Next Day

This was the day that we were all going to do the test of courage, besides the students with remedial lessons. My job in all of this was to sing a song in the beginning and then the test of courage would start.

Everyone was in place and I started to sing the song:

"Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
I am forever yours
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
You're always in my prayer
Softly, sweetly
Wrapped up in heaven's arms
Sailing, soaring over the moon
Gathering star dust
Be still, be safe, be sure
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
Wishing, praying
All of your dreams come true
Please remember
Where'er you are my heart is with you
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
Always in my prayer
I am forever yours
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour"

Once the song was finished everyone clapped before they drew lots to decide who they would be partnered with. I walked away to the cabin where the remedial lessons are being held and opened the door to reveal them working hard. I walked over to a chair to sit down. All I did was put my head down and fell asleep.

Aizawa's Pov

I saw Ame walk-in only to fall asleep in the chair. All of a sudden the door burst open with intense heat only to show a villain. The students were luckily safe but Ame got hit with the blast since he was sleeping. Although he showed no sign of waking up so he was in trouble. Meh, I think he can handle himself even if he does get captured.

Holy crap? I didn't mean it I just meant it as a joke come on world, just give me a break.

Time Skip (Ame's Pov)

This is a hassle. I got captured when I was just trying to sleep. "Hello, Shi no Ame. We are the Leauge of Villains and we would like you to join us in our fight to kill the Symbol of Peace. What do you say?" A blue haired man said with hands all over his body.

"I say." I said while everyone was on the edge of there seats waiting to hear my reply. "I need a nap." At this everyone facepalmed and looked at me. "Sorry I don't think I heard you right. Can you repeat yourself."

"I said I need a nap. The guy that has a patchwork face, no offense it actually looks very cool, woke me from my nap so I need to sleep. Anyways, it's been nice seeing you but I need to go. And don't worry I won't tell anyone about this place as long as you don't capture one of my students." I said using my quirk to slip out of my restraints and teleported to the cafe.

At the Cafe

I called U.A. and told them I was okay and that I was quitting my job since I just needed enough money to last me. With that I hung up and started to get to work I called my best friends, Kaze, Shi and Roy, to help me with painting the walls.

They came and started to help. The first room you enter is the Spring room it has cherry blossoms on the walls. This room is going to be the place for appetizers. This is where Kaze would be serving.

 This is where Kaze would be serving

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