Part 7

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. By the way, if I'm offending girls, trans or anyone else, I am very sorry I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings. If I am please tell me and I will do the best I can to change it thank you.

At the field

  I never noticed it before but Black was staring at Yume for some odd reason. (Sorry I forgot to say Yume was there the whole entire time) I picked Yume off my shoulder and gave it so Black could hold him. Black started to squeeze his paws and play with his tail and all of a sudden Yume turned into a human!!! I was surprised that he was a human but I know he was an AI not a real person still I was shocked.

"If you think that I'm an AI your wrong. I am a real human being, and that is not a lie." Yume says with a small smile. Now I'm really surprised a human that can transform from cat to human. I mean you can't use magic or sorcery in this game but anything is possible. I even saved him to my nerve gear so how is that possible. After I was done think he started to explain. When I started to play with him in the field and after I defeated the water monster.

 I picked him up and started to walk to Haru's house with him. He said he didn't like it at first but then he got used to it so he started to act the part. When you tried to save me to the nerve gear you just saved your profile along with everything. After he was done explaining he said one last thing " I am very sorry that I deceived you so, Ame." Yume said with a saddened expression. "I hope I still can be your pet." "Why are saying that of course you can still be my pet but on one condition you can not sleep with me." I answer. "Why not." Yume whines. "Because I figured out that your a real person and not an AI cat.

And Yume kept asking me the same question over and over again until we arrived at Haru's house. I went to the kitchen and started to make dinner for all of us. The Appetizer is Vegetarian Nori Rolls ( If you are not a Vegetarian then forget about that part), the main course is Teriyaki Salmon and for dessert is Dorayaki. After the appetizer was finished I went to the dining room and set the food down for everyone to start eating. I waited 5 minutes before I got the main course started and then I worked on the dessert.

Of course, Haru didn't want to 'betray' Mackerel so Rin had to 'shove it down his throat' in order for Haru to start eating. "You guys would make a great couple." Black said. Everyone except Rin and Haru agreed. After everyone was done we decided what the guild will be called and we called it The Strays (If you do not like it then I'm sorry I am very bad at naming things. If you have better ideas please tell me.) Everyone in the room joined and I said, "Since Snake, Joker, Black, and Smile just joined I have a name for you, you will be called the Snake Charmers." (Again very bad at naming things if you have a better name I will take it into consideration and change it.)They seemed fine with it so I changed the subject.

"Oh, I forgot that Sasuke and Naruto still have not gotten their punishment." I smirked. "There's no way old la-." Naruto says. "First off I'm not old. Second, off I'm a guy and if you say that again I'll snap your body like a toothpick." (If this is offensive please tell me.) "Yes, ma'am." Naruto answered still shaking. Sasuke and Naruto's punishment was to have Snake's snakes wrap around the both of them and believe you me they do not love snakes. After that, we just talked but I could tell Yume was getting tired so after I was done putting up the dishes we said our goodbyes and went home.

In the Middle of the Night

I was in this field where all my brothers were. "Hey-" Before I could say anything they were gone and I was no longer in a field. I was in a hall. "Did you really think that you could get away from me. What a stupid brat, I will always find you even if your not in this world I will find you." The voice started to creep me out so I started to run down the halls. I could hear the voice laughing as I run. I soon end up in front of a piano but it had blood all over it. When I walked closer to see what it was the lid opened up to revealed dead body's covered in blood.

I started to back up to run away when I bumped into something. " I told you I would always find you like your brothers." I finally got a closer look at its face. It was covered in blood but I could see it's face. It was definitely a female and then it hit me, it was my mom (You probably already knew that.) I jolted up out of bed and I took in my surroundings. "I-i am back in my house?" I look on the floor and saw Yume sleeping on his cat bed I went over a picked him up, laid down on the bed and hugged Yume and tried to fall asleep.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter it came interesting to me so I hope it was the same to you. It's scary to know that you're far away from your fears when all of a sudden it's right there staring you in the face. Well, I should go now so please comment, vote and/or follow and have a good week.

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