Part 12

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I opened my eyes to see a blank room. I moved my head to look around and there I found my mother in tears as she saw me wake up. 'Is this the mother I know?' I thought to myself as she hugged me. "Don't you dare say a word or else punishment will be longer." My mother, Hahaoya, (means mother in Japanese and that is what we are going to call her) whispered so only I could hear as the doctors rushed in.

After the doctors confirmed I was okay they left but told me I had to stay here for one more day. My mother then decided not to stay any longer so I decided to look around to see if anyone of my friends are here. I walked around for a while and found a guy with long hair that looked familiar. "Hey, do you need help." I asked, "No but do you know where I can find Asuna?" The guy with long hair asked. "No way Kirito, is that you?" I asked with a shocked expression. "Yeah, I'm guessing your Ame I thought you would have shorter hair and that your hair would be black, not white?"

"I do and your in no place to talk buddy. And my hair gets white when I go through trauma" I stated with a glare and thinking the trauma I went through was the nightmares I had in SAO. "Gomen gomen, but do you want to help me find Asuna?" He asked. "Sure." With that, we went to find Asuna. It turns out she was in a different hospital and when we got there we were surprised to see that she was still stuck in a 'coma.' We stayed with Asuna for a few hours to see if she would wake up but we didn't get to find out because the visiting hours were over.

I bid my farewell to Kirito and headed home. By the time I got back, it was 10 pm, I opened the door and there I found my mother who was sitting in one of the kitchen chairs. I immediately knew what was going it happen. She stood up and walked away, and I knew that she wanted me to follow her, so I did. We went into the basement where she let all her anger out on me. And by 'let all her anger out on me' I mean that she cuts me with knives, she pulls off my toenails, slowly and painfully, pours hot, scolding water on my back, and if I scream that means that we're going to be down here longer.

Torture time (I have never done this before so do not judge. P.S. I got some of these ideas from the fanfics I read so don't give me all the credit)

She had everything laid out neatly. "Take your shirt off and get on your knees." She said while going over to the table and grabbing an object or two. I heard her footsteps echoing across the basement as she finally stopped right behind me. She poured a kettle of hot scolding water on my back. I had to move my hand up quickly before I could scream. I heard her drop the kettle and she started slashing my back with a knife that I could tell that was very dull. Since it was dull and I didn't get this done to me in a while it was excruciatingly painful. She was finally done and she left me in the basement alone.

End of Torture

I didn't feel like moving for a while so I bleed out a bit. After that was over I went upstairs, took off my girl 'disguise' and put on my regular clothes. But before I put it back on I looked at my back, it was covered in old and new scars and my back was a deep brownish-reddish from the boiling water. I looked closer at the cuts she gave me and saw it said something. 'You should have never been born. I put on my girl disguise and grabbed my razor blade and started cutting my arms. I pushed in as I saw dark, red, drops of blood hit the ground, but I soon stopped when Yukimizu came over and mewed. I pulled my sleeve down, put the razor blade away and jumped out of the window with Yukimizu. I walked down the dark street to a park near our house.

I found a tree and went under it, it was quite comfortable and Yuki (Yukimizu) seemed to like it as well. Before I knew it I was fast asleep, and when I woke up and turned to look and see if Yuki was still there, for a split second I thought it was Yume but to no avail, it wasn't. I grabbed Yuki, hugged her and started crying. I missed all of them, and I wonder if they still think I'm alive. Who cares anyway, it's not like they cared it was just a game where you can be a different person. They were probably just acting. Like my mom and scars said 'I should have never been born.' And with that, I stopped crying.

I decided to go back through my window grab my school clothes and walk to Kirito's house. I knocked on his door and when the door opened I was surprised to see a girl opened the door. (P.S. you/he/I are wearing your girl disguise.)  "Hello, does Kirito happen to live here?" I asked in a polite way. "Yes, what do you need?" She asked with a glare. "I'm Kirito's online friend, Shi no Ame from SAO, you can call me Ame. And I was wondering if I could sleep over since my mom kinda kicked me out for the night" I said while holding out my hand. She took it and said, "It's nice to meet you, Ame, my name is Suguha, you can call me Sugu."

With that, she let me in and I settled down in the living room after I got changed and brushed my teeth. Before I could lay down Kirito came down and said: "What the heck are you doing in my house and who are you!?" "I am Ame remember we meet in the hospital and went to find Asuna?" I said with a blank face. "Oh sorry about me freaking out." He said while coming to sit next to me. "It's fine." I said. "I thought you said you were a guy you look like a girl to me." Kirito whispered so only we could hear each other.

"It's complicated." I whispered back. "It seems pretty simple to me." Kirito said while razing an eyebrow. "I'll tell you when I feel like you won't tell and if you are going to ask why it's because I haven't even told Asuna yet." And with that, I went under the covers and mumbled a 'good night'. Kirito just sweat dropped but mumbled a 'good night' as well and went upstairs to sleep. In the morning I wrote a note saying 'thanks for letting me stay the night and I might come over again,' and with that, I walked away to get to school before it started. But I soon had to go back because I forgot my toothbrush.

Ame: You were right that park was the most peaceful place I've ever seen. Thanks

Author-chan: No prob, and anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Ame and Author-chan: Thanks for reading please comment, vote and/or follow and have a great week!

-  >^.^<

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