Chapter Five

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This chapter is for those of us that are alone on Valentine's Day, in bed, with no boyfriend/girlfriend to cuddle with, watching romance movies and reading romance novels because they're lonely (I am one of those people)



When Liam left for work he told me not to say anything to him.

But the longer his car sits there, the angrier I get.

He left for like two hours but when I got home from picking up Theo from school, he was back.

The kids are at the table after their naps and I'm giving Eloise some puffs.

But all I can think about is Liam's father and how he found out where we live.

I grab my phone off the table and dial my mother.

It rings twice and then stops.

"Hey." She says.

"Did you tell Liam's father our address?" I ask her outright.

"Who?" she asks.

"William Cabraro, Mom. Liam's birth father. Did you tell him our address or not?"

There's a long pause.

"Well, I told Amelia," She says finally. "But I didn't tell William."

"Why would you do that?" I ask her. Theo and Bennett look up from their coloring books to look at me. I give them a smile and put more puffs of Eloise's tray.

"She asked. I thought she should know. He is her son."

"No, Theo is my son. Bennett is my son, because I parent them. Liam is not her son. Not really."

"She raised him, Savannah." Mom argues.

"Honestly, it's not your place to decide who knows where we live. You shouldn't be telling anybody our address," I snap at her. "The second they asked, you should have called me right away. It wasn't your decision."

"I'm sorry, I just don't see why it's such a big deal."

"Yeah, I'm sure you don't."

I pull the phone away from my face and hit the red button three times.

"Are you okay Mommy?" Bennett asks me with big curious blue-grey eyes.

"I'm okay," I force a smile and text Liam.

Me: he won't leave and just called my mom. She gave your mother our address.

Me: can I please go out there and ask him to get tf away from us??????

I lock my screen and sit down at the table.

A moment later, my phone chimes.

Buddy: no just let him sit there

Buddy: I cant believe your mom did that. I know shes your mom but im so pissed off right now

Buddy: im gonna go I love you

I run my fingers through my hair.

Me: I love you too

After a few seconds, I get another text.

Buddy: do you think you could find somebody to watch the kids tonight? Like out of our house

Me: ill see what I can do

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