Chapter Nine

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I peek out the back door to check on the boys. They're playing on the playground. Eloise is down for her nap.

It's Monday afternoon. Liam and I both called into work today because driving all weekend and then working all day is too much. We needed a day to refuel. We didn't send Theo to school because he didn't get in bed until two in the morning last night.

Lindsay slept on the pullout couch in the basement last night. Liam is outside getting the mail and Lindsay is sitting at the kitchen table on her phone that we got her applying to jobs.

She's a teenager. She needs a phone.

I heat my phone go off and glance down at the screen.

Sofie: are you working tonight

Me: no I called in. I probably could go though

Sofie: well I was wondering if you wanted to do family dinner tonight? Usually we do it on the weekends but you two were so busy lol

Me: that's fine

Sofie: okay your house right

Me: yeah

Sofie: ill tell noah to spread the word

I hear the front door shut, glancing at Liam when he walks into the kitchen with the mail.

"You got a letter," he frowns, handing it to me.

"From who?" I ask.

"I don't know. It's handwritten though."

Frowning, I look down at the letter.

The handwriting looks vaguely familiar, like maybe I saw it somewhere before. It was written in blue ink by hand, and the return address is 761 Woodin St, Hamden, CT 06514.

Liam peeks over my shoulder.

"Do you know somebody who lives in Connecticut?" he wonders.

I frown.

"I don't think so," I shake my head.

"Weird. You should open it," he urges.

I tear the envelope open as he starts opening up the bills, leaning against the counter across from me.

I pull out a piece of notebook paper, and it's a handwritten letter.

Frowning, I flip the envelope over to glance at the address to make sure this letter actually was sent to the right house.

Savannah Noel

2140 Norkenzie Rd, Eugene, OR 97401

"Why would this say Noel? My name hasn't been Noel for five years," I mutter.

I unfold the piece of paper and glance down at it.

Dear Savannah Noel,

I know you are extremely confused why somebody is writing you some random letter. I understand that, but I just recently was notified of your situation, and I couldn't sit idly by. My name is Eleanor Rolan, and Damien Rolan is my son.


No, oh my god, no.

I set the letter down on the counter and put my hands on my mouth.

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