"No, never. Not even close." She admits. I wonder if she has ever had a girlfriend before, I don't want to know if she has. She told me she doesn't date, so I am going to stick with that.

"Oh." Is all I can say.

"Do you love me the way you loved Shawn?" She asks. A sound between a cough and gasp comes out of my mouth and I look away from her. I grab the shampoo off of the shelf, I haven't even washed anything yet and we have been in here a few minutes. 

"Well?" She asks. I don't know how to answer that. It's a totally different with Lauren than it was with Shawn. I loved Shawn, I think. I know I loved him, just not like this. Loving Shawn was comfortable and safe, it was always calm. Loving Lauren is raw and exciting, it sparks my every nerve and I can't get enough of her. I never want to be away from her. Even when she drove me crazy, I missed her and had to fight myself to stay away from her.

"I take that as a no?" She says and turns away from me, letting me have full access to the water. I feel cramped in the tiny space and the air is too thin, too clouded with steam from the hot water.

"It's not the same." How do I explain this to her without sounding insane. Her shoulders slack, I know if she was to face me she would be frowning. My hands wrap around her waist and I press my lips against her back.

"It's not the same in the way you think." I say. "I love you in a different way, Shawn was so comfortable to me he was almost like family. I felt like I was supposed to love him but I really didn't, not in the way I love you at least. It wasn't until I realized I loved you that I saw how different the love was. I don't know if that even makes sense." I breath. A ping of guilt hits me for saying I don't love Shawn but I think I knew that from the moment I kissed Lauren for the first time.

"It does." When she turns back around her eyes are much softer. The lust, then apprehension is gone, replaced by.. love? Or relief.. I can't tell but she leans down and kisses my forehead. "I just want to be the only person you ever love, the way you are mine." How could she be such a jerk before and say these loving things to me now? Despite the hint of possessiveness in her tone, her words are sweet and surprisingly humble for her.

"In the ways that count, you are." I promise her. She seems pleased with my answer as her smile returns.

"Now, can you move so I can get this dirt off of me before the water goes cold?" I say and gently push her out of my way.

"I'll do that for you." She grabs the cloth and pours soap on it. I hold my breath the entire time she gently scrubs the dirt off of my body, shivering as she passes over the sensitive spots, her touch lingering on them.

"I would have you wash me, but I won't be able to stop what would happen after." She winks at me and I blush. I want to find out what would happen after, and I would love to touch every inch of her body. But we aren't alone in the house and Karen has probably already finished cooking.

After I am dirt free and feeling calm yet wound up from Lauren's touch, I dry off quickly and put on my yoga pants and a t-shirt from my bag and brush my hair before pulling it into a bun. After blow-driying her hair, Lauren wraps a towel around her body and stands behind me, staring at me through the mirror. She looks so heavenly, god like, and perfect and mine.

"Those pants are going to be distracting." She says as we walk downstairs. 

"Have you always been such a pervert?" I tease and she nods. It isn't until we walk into the kitchen that I realize how we look, both coming down here with wet hair. It is obvious that we just showered together, Lauren doesn't seem to mind but she has no manners. 

"I made some sandwiches, they are on the counter." Karen beams. She doesn't seem to be surprised or mind either. My mother would lose her mind if she knew what I just did.  Especially with a girl who happens to be Lauren.

"Thank you so much." I tell her. Mike is sitting at the counter with a stack of folders in front of him.

"I had a nice time today Camila." Karen tells me and we start discussing the greenhouse again. Lauren eats in silence, glancing at me from time to time. 

"Maybe we can do some more work next weekend." I suggest, I forgot the wedding for a second. "Never mind, the weekend after?" I laugh.

"Yes, of course."

"Uh, is there a theme or something with the wedding?" Lauren interrupts. Mike looks up from his work.

"Well, there isn't really a theme but we have chosen white and black for the wedding décor." Karen says nervously. I am sure this is the only time they have discussed the wedding with Lauren since she lost it when Mike told her about it.

"Oh. So what should I wear?" She asks casually. I want to reach over and kiss her after seeing her father's reaction.

"You're coming?" Mike asks, clearly surprised but very happy. 

"Yea.. I guess." Lauren shrugs and takes another bite of her sandwich. 

Karen and Mike smile at each other before Mike gets up and walks over to Lauren.

"Thank you Lauren, this means a lot to me." He pats Lauren on the shoulder. Lauren stiffens but rewards her father with a small smile.

"This is great news!" Karen says and claps her hands. 

"It's nothing." Lauren grumbles. I move to sit next to her and put my hand over hers under the table. I never thought I could get her to agree to the wedding, let alone actually talk about it in front of Mike and Karen.

"I love you" I whisper in her ear when Karen and Mike aren't paying attention. She smiles and squeezes my hand.

"I love you." She reciprocates.

"So Lauren, how are your classes going?" Mike asks. 


"I noticed you moved your classes around again." 

"Yea, and?" Lauren is getting annoyed. 

"You're still majoring in English right?" 


"That is great, I remember when you were ten and you would recite passages from The Great Gatsby all day, every day. I knew you were a literature whiz then." Mike laughs.

"Do you? Do you remember that?" Lauren tone is harsh. I squeeze her hand trying to tell her to calm down.

"Yea, of course I do." Mike says calmly.

Lauren's nostrils flare and she rolls her eyes. "I find that hard to believe since you were constantly drunk, and if I remember correctly, which I do, you tore that book to pieces because I bumped your scotch and spilled it. So don't try to take a stroll down memory lane with me unless you know what the fuck you're talking about. " she stands up as Karen and I both gasp. 

"Lauren!" Mike says as she leaves the room. I scurry after her and hear Karen yelling at Mike.

"You shouldn't have went that far with her Mike! She just agreed to come to our wedding, I thought we agreed on baby steps! Then you go and say something like that, you should have left it alone!" She says, I can tell she is already crying.

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