The Aftermath

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The lights flashed as the Earth heaved a heavy sigh. Rain quieted the storm slowly. Michael shook and retched out three more delicate petals before the storm ended.

His mother had gone into the other room with his insistence that he was fine. He had calmed down a bit. There was still a slight tremor in his hands. He sat on the bathroom floor until the light of day started to peek through the small window over the shower.

The harsh light reveled what he had choked up the night before. With a strange sense of resolution Michael Mell stood up, put the petals in a small water cup, and looked himself in the mirror.

His glasses were burred with red smudges. His chin was dripping pink spit onto the counter next to the sink. His chin was covered in sticky blood that reeked. He washed his face and watched the swirls of dark red and brown chunks and flakes flow around the sink.

Taking the back of his hand and wiping the water off his face he pulled off his bloody shirt, with a small amount of difficulty, and walked across the hall to his bedroom. A note lay on his bed from his mother. He read it as he stretched his cramped wings.

When he was ready he pulled on another shirt, careful not to rip the backs of it any more with his wings. Down the hall he could hear his mothers arguing. Slowly, he crept out of his room and went down the staircase trying to make no noise.

He was certain that his mothers would kill him if they found out he was going to school today. He almost had made it down the stairs when a lose floorboard creaked.

"MICHAEL M-" was all that it took. He raced down the stairs, slammed his feet into his shoes, grabbed his bag and slammed the door behind him. He was almost late for the bus.

Today was a day he did not want to miss.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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