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"I want that." Jake said when he pointed to a tinker toy in kindergarten. The other kid was playing with it, but handed it over quickly. Jake smiled and pointed to the box of toys. "I want those too."

"B-but I want those..." the poor kid said hesitating.

"I want them more." Jake said still reaching out his hand for them. The five-year-old sighed and tapped his foot impatiently as the other kid struggled over her resolve and handed the toys over. "Thanks!" Jake said walking away.

"I- uh, wait!" The child ran up and grabbed a small doll from the toy tub in Jake's hands. "This is mine."

"No, you gave it to me. It's mine." Jake said. The child started crying. This was the doll her mother gave her before she passed away.

"No, please..." the child whimpered. Jake took the doll. After recess he gave it back.

Jake had the power to make people do what he wanted, he wasn't a monster.

Jake looked at his parents. Looked at them and looked at them. He finally decided something.

He couldn't let them leave him. "Jake, you've been silent for a while honey, are you okay?"

"I don't want you to go." He cried and hugged his mother.

"Oh, Jake you know that doesn't work on us." His father scorned.

"No, please, please don't go." He sobbed. "If you go I'll hate you."

His mother sighed. "No, boo. Don't hate us please, we have to go. For your protection, please don't make this harder."

"I heard what the news lady said." Jake said wiping his tears and pulling away. "Take me with you."

"We can't sport. I'm sorry." His father said.

Jake got angry. "I hate you! I wish you would just die!" He ran up to his room and slammed the door.

That was the last time Jake ever saw his parents.

"Hey, man, can I have that." Jake said pointing to a tub of icecream his friend just bought.

They were in middle school, the friend had taken them out for his birthday. He'd just turned 13. Jake was happy for him, but that didn't stop him from using his power.

"Get your own." He laughed holding the tub close to his chest.

"But I want it." Jake said holding out his hands. Immediately the tub was placed in his hands. "Thank you." He said walking away.

"Hey! Wait up, what the fuck man? You can't just do that to people!" The friend called behind. Jake wasn't listening. He laughed at the pitiful words.

He always got what he wanted.

The next day they weren't friends anymore. Jake was sad. What had he done?


Jake had no money left. All the will money his parents had gave him was spent. It's not like he had a job.

So he persuaded a group of his friends to help him. They were at a bowling rink. Jake brought a bag with his dads old bowling ball. He was having a good time.

The friends didn't notice when he slipped away. He was probably going to the bathroom.

No, instead he walked to the cash register. He looked around, but it was an old place. No cameras, no recorders, it was a relatively safe area that not many people had to worry about.

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