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•Boyfriends/Girlfriends can do scary things when they're mad

•Jeremy Heere is a gigantic loser. He got shoved into lockers and pushed around, and Michael couldn't do anything for so long.

•but not anymore.

•Ever since Michael changed he had been more powerful and more intimidating. So when he found his boyf getting beat up behind the school he kicked some major ass.

•The bullies didn't know what hit them. He almost strangled one with his tail. He smashed his wing into another's face so they had a broken nose, and he clawed down the chest of a third leaving big jagged bloody marks down his chest.

•They all ran away as he ran to Jeremy. Jeremy was laying in the dirt. His head matted with blood and his body was full of bruises. Michael vowed that next time anyone did this to his moon they would die.

•That still wasn't as scary as Connor Murphy.

•Evan was being bullied in the halls. They took him by the backpack and threw him on the ground. He tried to grow flowers to soften his landing, but it didn't work. He hit his head against the tile and he passed out as Connor was rounding the corner to say hi to his boyfriend.

•He looked at Evan calmly then back at the people who did this. They were laughing and calling him and Evan freaks.

•So Connor calmly took off his gloves and punched their faces.

•They burned on the place he had punched them instantly. No one was laughing now. The burns turned to ash and slowly fell away to nothing. They were still alive, but very disfigured now.

•He put on his gloves and helped Evan to the nurses office.

•That still wasn't as terrifying as what Chloe could do.

•Brooke was playing in her garden, and two assholes came along and kicked dirt in her face.

•They started ripping apart the garden and Brooke cried and screamed, because they were destroying a part of her.

•Chloe came running not only did she glare at them and turn them into blocks of ice she broke the ice where one kids foot was and the other ones arm was. 'See how well you can kick and pull out peoples things without your limbs.' She walked away with Brooke under her arm softly sobbing as blood dripped from her stomach.

•when the kids thawed out they passed out in the garden from sever blood loss. The ambulance had to be called.

•But that still wasn't as horribly terrifying as what Rich could do.

• Jake was being made fun of for being a pan transexual...

•they were verbally abusing him on the track field when Rich came.

•He growled and shifted quickly grabbing the people by their jackets and puting a paw on their throats. 'You will not survive the next full moon.' He snarled and bit into their arms or legs as they screamed

•Then Rich would change back and smile and give a little wave to his boyfriend who would hug him immediately because Rich had some anger issues that Jake knew would grow if he didn't make Rich relax.

•Throughout the week the bullies would slowly turn into werewolves. Then on a night of the full moon they would go crazy, shift against their will, and run into the forest wildly. They would never come back.

•That's still not as horribly gory as what Zoe Murphy could do.

•Zoe was a demon, and her girlfriend Alana was fully human, but very very smart.

•they loved each other, but Alana would always be made fun of for not being something more.

•so one day when there was some idiot who found it funny to sneak poison into Alana's food.

•While she was at the hospital. Zoe hunted down the kid. She spun a dark cloud around him that was invisible to everyone but that person.

•it showed them pictures of their family dying, massive murder and blood. It showed what hell would look like. So slowly, painfully slowly, the kid would go insane and kill themselves.

•So when Alana got out of the hospital a few weeks later The kid ended up hanging themselves from the school bell. Alana looked at her girlfriend who just shrugged

•so lesson was, don't ever piss off a supernatural being. Because whatever you do they will do something ten times worse.

And that is a promise.

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