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•Jeremy and Michael go to the beach.

•Michael is more ecstatic than Jeremy because his dragon senses are tingling and he just is really freaking pumped ok Jeremy?!??

•Michael freaking sprints to the water and splashes in as Jeremy sets up the umbrella.

•Michael calls Jeremy to the water, and Jeremy walks over slowly. He steps in timidly. HOLY MOTHER OF MOSES THIS WATER IS FREEZING.

•Jeremy steps out of the water feeling a shiver run up his spine. Michael's like, 'Come on babe, it's not that bad.' And he spreads his ginormous wings and splashes them over the surface.

•Jeremy gets splashed and retreats to the umbrella. Michael's having none of that. He walks over and picks him up in his arms and carries him over.

•Jeremy is like, 'nO no No NONO!' And screeches as Michael runs toward the water. Michael jumps/ flies to the water until he is over where the water would be a couple feet over his head then he drops and lands expecting to be in the water.

•Jeremy closes his eyes for impact and nothing happens. Michael just lands in a sandy spot. Jeremy opens his eyes to see the water has retreated around him.

•Michael groans as Jeremy just looks at the water. Michael let's Jeremy down and sighs.

•He tries pushing Jeremy into the water behind him, but the water avoids Jeremy and he ends up tripping over a rock.

•luckily Michael's wings collect him before he hits the ground. As payback Jeremy thinks to the water.

•Surprisingly Michael gets pounded down with several gallons of freezing water and a fish slaps him in the face.

•Michael looks at Jeremy who's laughing in the corner completely dry. He rolls his eyes and splashs into the water and swims over to Jeremy and grabs him from the water wall and yanks him in.

•Jeremy let's out a yelp that he will deny to his grave and splashes in as the water fills the spot that once was dry.

•Jeremy's teeth chatter as he creates a gigantic wave in his panic thatforces him under the water before he could get a full breath in.

•He's losing air and can't find the surface of the water. He feels a rope coil around his waist as he is dragged out of the water

•Jeremy had swallowed some water and wasn't breathing when Michael dragged him to the beach with his tail. He preformed CPR immediately.

•Eventually Jeremy coughed up the water and started to breathe again as Michael apologized a million times.

•Jeremy just pulled Michael close and kissed his sandy hair.

•After that experience Jeremy stayed under the umbrella while Michael played in the water. Jeremy sometimes would create waves for his boyfriend to surf.

•After that day they got icecream and went to their hotel.

•Michael curled around Jeremy and kissed him. Jeremy just sighed and ran his hands through Michael's still sandy hair. (Because even a dragon can't get rid of all the sand that sticks in places)

Dragon Boyfriends AUWhere stories live. Discover now