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•Evan could control nature. He just could. It was a good thing too, because he loved it.

•Connor was a demon. A real demon, not one of those satanic stupid worshippers. Everything he touched died.

•Evan met him at school crying in a bathroom because he had somehow managed to kill the class pet in his 2nd grade science class.

•Evan decided to give Connor a tiny cactus. Since you can't really touch a cactus it lived in its little pot.

•Connor loved Evan after that. He took care of his cactus like it was his child and it pretty much was.

•Evan would make flower crowns for Connor out of dead leaves and twigs or thorn bushes. He would giggle and call him maleficent the magnificent. (Evan didn't know what maleficent meant.)

•Connor would always smile.

•Connor usually got depressed because of his over all nature. He couldn't touch anything and nothing could touch him.

•That did things to a persons physic...

•He would cut himself when Evan wasn't around, his arm oozed black blood that burned like acid when it hit the ground. Nothing would ever grow there again.

•Except when Evan came. He would always take Connors arm gently with a leaf rapped around his hand. He would grow little leaves that attached themselves with sap to Connors arm to stop the bleeding.

•The leaves would sizzle for a bit then stop.

•Connor wished he could kiss Evan. To hug him at least. Well one day he was taking off the sappy leaf bandages when sap got all over his hand. He tried to get it off but to no avail.

•So when he touched the grass to get up he didn't expect for it to...well...still feel like grass. He looked down and the grass was perfectly intact.

•He touched it with his other hand and the grass died.

•He ran to Evans house and was all, 'EVAN GET DOWN HERE!' And Evan ran down the stairs almost tripping because he was so nervous that Connor was mad at him or something.

•Then Connor was like, 'Evan, paint me in tree sap!' And Evan just looked at him strangely before he grew a small tree that started leaking sap.

•Connor rubbed it all down his arms and his face. He looked at Evan who was having a mini panic attack.

•Evan was so weirded out. Connor took Evans hands in his own for the first time.

•Evan cried.

•They kissed, it was really sticky and Connor started to get uncomfortable, but they managed.

•Usually on most days they have to be really careful, but Connor wears gloves so they can hold hands instead of being sticky all the time.

•Jared is squirrel boy??? Idk I thought it was a cute idea because NATURE!

Zoe's a better demon than Connor 10/10

•She also has a better gf. Just thought I'd put that out there.

•This is totally not Zoe.


•Okay maybe

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