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For all thee people who wanted this, tada! I got time!!!! -🐝

Jake had the power to tell people what to do.

Because of unfortunate events he did not ever allow himself to do so. If he did it would mean terrible things. So as far as lives went Jakes was okay. He was sitting behind a 7-11 register eating a churro. I mean, what else could he want?

Rich would come in sometimes, you know, they guy he was hella crushing on. They would split a cola and laugh about nothing. Rich worked down the street at the much better Sheetz. Jake wasn't allowed in there because he got caught trying to steal a slurpy once. The owner didn't really like him.

Once Jake got off his shift he clocked out and sighed. Rich couldn't come over to 7-11 today because he was running a double shift to cover one of his friends whose niece in high school offed themselves. The authorities were blaming it on the werewolves again, which made the whole situation messy.

It was a sad world to live in.

Jake resorted to walking home when Rich wasn't around to drive, so he was very disappointed when it started pouring his last hour into his shift. He carefully walked outside in the freezing rain, armed with a small jacket he'd borrowed. His home was a quarter mile away. It wasn't too bad.

It was his parents house, he could barely afford it, but the rent man gave Jake a break since his parents had died. The old man took pity on the teenager and would come to his house every so often with a casserole his wife made.

Jake took the leftovers out of the fridge. The power company was less forgiving. Since it was the end of the month and Jake could only pay it every other the fridge had grown things inside and gotten warm. Jake flicked little white things out of his food before he ate it semi-cold.

The rain stopped early that night and the stars were out. Jake loved the stars. He felt like he was connected to them somehow. He relaxed in the back porch.

A twig snapped sharply. Jake looked around, usually his house was deserted. Not even a squirrel, thanks to Rich's many visits the squirrels started to smell dog and evacuated from the scene.

Jake sat up to investigate. He carefully walked over. When he heard a huff of breath he pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on. Rich was in wolf form, which he rarely ever was, and he was bleeding.

Off in the distance Jake heard howling and growls. He quickly ran inside and grabbed a blanket. He covered Rich and started hauling him inside. Rich just huffed and wheezed in pain every so often. Jake was good at physical tasks, but even this beat his weight training record when he managed to gather Rich in his house.

Rich had a serious cut in his neck, and several bite marks on his legs and torso. Jake was shocked that he was even alive. "What the hell happened?" Jake gasped as he ran to get the first aid. He didn't have much, but he grabbed all the clean towels he could and some extra bandages. When he came back Rich was quivering on the floor as a human. There was a dark figure standing over him. It was a black wolf. The wolf transformed into a ruffle average height man with a scruffy beard and a beer belly.

"Rich," he growled. "You worthless pig. How dare you challenge my authority in front of the entire clan! You should be ashamed. I should tear you a new one, you're lucky I'm being nice." The man gnashes his teeth. He stalked Rich, as if he was going to eat him alive.

"Stop." Jake said rushing over to Rich. "I'm sorry..." he said as the man froze in his tracks. Jake turned to Rich, who was gazing around panicked and naked. Jake handed him a towel.

Jake sighed, he didn't expect the man to come up behind him and punch him so hard his teeth vibrated. Jake swiveled around to see the man standing there, looking much like Rich. There must have been were Rich had gotten all those bruises.

Jake got angry. "You." He said lowly. "You should jump off a fucking cliff." The man shuttered and his frame went ridged. He took one look at Rich sneered and ran off.

"Jake! Jake!" Rich cried as Jake calmed down from the power high his head flooded with. Jake looked at Rich. They know what had happened.

Jake dropped to his knees, "I'm so sorry, Rich, I-"

Rich cut him off. "It th ok, he wath an ath-hole anyway." Rich glanced at the open doorway his father just ran out of to his doom.

Jake realized he was sobbing when Rich reached up to hug him. He had broken his promise, and now Rich had to pay for it again.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." Jake cried as Rich just calmed him down. "We...I should disappear, there isn't anything good in your life that comes from me." Jake said.

"No!" Rich exclaimed standing and wincing immediately. "You...you protected me. I can't thank you enough." Rich said struggling to form words.

Jake shivered and glanced at Rich. The eye contact was long and precious. The two found themselves getting closer.

There was a howl from outside. Rich flinched as if he'd been slapped. "I've got to go, I'll...thee...be at thchoo...uh be back." He wavered and almost passed out, but his injuries were healing slowly. Jake let out a breath and nodded.

He didn't know what he was expecting, he had no right to feel disappointed he guessed. In two seconds he was alone again in his house kneeling in a pool of blood.

He rapped his hands around himself and went to get a mop. When he returned he didn't expect to see Rich back already. Rich stood in the doorway saying nothing.

Jake was about to ask what the matter was when Rich strode over and put a hand on the back of Jakes head. Jake tilted his head down to see Rich, but Rich came up to meet him.

The kiss was brief and cold chapped lips didn't hold the tenderness of the moment. As soon as it was over Rich was gone again. Jake was left once again alone, but it sure didn't feel like it. He was accompanied by thousands of butterfly's as he cleaned his house with a goofy smile.

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