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•Rich was busy making himself food. Jake was in the other room.

•suddenly Rich hit the floor as the sky went dark.

•Jake stood and ran to the kitchen to find Rich shifting and holding his head.
'RIH RICH! God what's happening?' Jake gasped.

•Rich looked out the window. 'Eclipse...' he painted as his bones snapped in and out of the shift.

•'shit....' Jake whimpered and took Rich outside. 'What do I need to do?'

•'Run!' Rich begged and shifted fully. Jake froze as Rich became a wolf. It's wild glowing eyes glaring right at him.

•'Rich, baby, please...it's me...it's Jake. Don't-' Jake said backing up slowly. Rich growled and stepped forward. Jake tripped over his feet and fell backwards as Rich ran at him.

•Jake screamed as Rich ran past him and bit into the leg of something much bigger standing behind Jake. It let out a inhuman yell.

•'Michael! Michael no!' Jeremy said running over. Jake turned around. Michael was a full dragon. His scales were dark blue and red. His teeth sank into Richs stomach

•Rich howled and let go as Michael lifted him up and off his leg and slammed him down on the ground. Rich whimpered and tried to stand but couldn't.

•Michael looked at Jake and hissed. He opened his mouth and flicked his tongue out like a serpent about to strike.

•Jeremy dashed in front of Jake. 'No Michael! You can't eat Jake.' Michael hissed and groaned as if he was communicating to Jeremy. 'You can't eat Rich either you moron!'

•Rich's breathing was labored and quick. Jake dashed to him and tried to cover the bloody wounds. It wasn't working. There was just so much blood. 'No, no...Rich you stay with me. You're stronger then this come on!' Jake's voice cracked. 'Nononono...' Jake was crying as he tried to get the blood back in.

•'please god no...' Jake said as Rich stopped moving. Michael looked over and huffed.

•'fix it you oversized snake.' Jeremy growled at Michael and Michael bowed his head.

•Michael boomed over to Jake and Rich. 'GET AWAY YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!' Jake screamed and covered Rich. Michael just hissed lowly and flicked Jake into a tree. Jake heard something snap and he couldn't tell if it was himself or the tree.

•Michael carefully moved Rich so that the bite marks showed. He started crying

•the tears absorbed the blood and healed Rich very fast. Rich opened his eyes and snarled at Michael who only let out a bellow as boomed away back to Jeremy who was glaring at him from across the road.

•Rich bared his fangs as Michael's turned back and glanced over at Jake.

•He walked over and licked Jake's face softly then whimpered. His ears lowering as he looked at Jake's leg. The right leg was swelling.

•Rich laid next to Jake as Jake caught his breath. After an hour or so of partial darkness the eclipse passed and Rich shifted back.

•He quickly ran into the house and called an ambulance.

•Michael was passed out down the road sleeping rapped around Jeremy who look like he was sleeping.

•Jake saw them outside the ambulance window on Jeremy's lawn. There lawn looked like the sprinklers had been going for and entire day and flooded the yard.

•Rich rolled his eyes. Jake knew it would take both of them a long while before they forgave Michael for this, but Jake couldn't deny that next eclipse he would just watch it on his TV.

Dragon Boyfriends AUWhere stories live. Discover now