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•"EW THERE IS NO WAY IM DOING THAT!" Jeremy exclaimed flinching as Michael gripped around him tighter.

•'it's the only way.' Mrs. Mell said.

•'Jeremy, pwease! For me?' Michael pleased with his cute dragon-puppy-dog eyes that Jeremy couldn't say no to.

•'ugh, fine...but you have to by me like my next ten years worth of toothpaste and therapy.'


•Soon Mrs. Mell came back with the heart of a goat. Jeremy had to eat the entire thing raw, then call out to his supposed ancestor. Luckily Mrs. Mell was always prepared. She had a heart vacuum sealed in her fridge incase a need arose.

•Jeremy went pale as he looked at the heart. Michael was laying black candles on the floor. He looked over and smiled worriedly.

•Jeremy let in a deep breathe and took a bite. It was everything he hoped it wouldn't be.

•stringy, muscly, cold, and bloody. He wanted to barf. There was no way he could eat this. Michael saw his boyfriend about puke his guts out. He quickly covered Jeremy's mouth until Jeremy swallowed the vomit and shivered.

•'Michael I don't feel too good...' Jeremy said. His face was as pale as the moon. Michael rested Jeremy's head in his lap.

•'I'm sorry baby...' Michael said. Jeremy blinked and his eyes were a complete shade of glassy blue. Like a mirror you couldn't see a reflection or an end to. 'Y-you have to keep eating...'

•Jeremy groaned and hesitantly put the heart back to his mouth. This time he took a bigger bite hoping to get it over with. Yet again Michael had to keep Jeremy from puking. Jeremy's hair turned gray as he swallowed the horrendous chunk and his skin started to let off a dull glow.

•Mrs. Mell was watching with every bite Jeremy became less human.

•Bis skin became mirror and scales. The room smelled like the beach. Jeremy's harsh breathing seemed to pull the air to him and exhale it out like the tide. It was freezing even to Michael's standards.

•When Jeremy was almost done Michael hugged his boyf tightly. 'Maaari mo itong gawin ang aking pagmamahal' (you can do it my love) and with the soft words of encouragement Jeremy ate the last of the heart. The candles flared up blue and went out.

•everything was dark and still. 'B-Bathala?' Jeremy squeaked. It echoed as if he was in a damp cave. Instead of his boyfriends living room during the DAY. Why the heck was it dark?

•'you are foolish.' A voice answered.

•'yah...I know...' Jeremy whimpered. 'Please don't kill me!' The ground vibrated and he almost lost his balance.

•Jeremy found out that it was laughter.

•'i have not been to earth in thousands of years. what calls me here?' It said.

•'uh...well, ya see...uh...' Jeremy stuttered. He blushed. 'ItWasKindaMyBoyfriendsMom'sIdeaSoPleaseDon'tBeMad!" Jeremy said in one breath.

•The floor rumbled again. 'a bakunawa kin i am guessing. they always try to catch me. i don't mind, Bata. you are brave. go be with your dragon. i have no qualms here.'


•'that i am not Bata. i am simply a messenger. as we are all. you are not of this world Bata. you were made special. made for someone worthy. someone who will change the course of history. you are a messenger and a message. you were created to be more powerful then the creature you were made to protect. know that the universe loves you Bata. quite your mind and ask your question.'

•'Oh...' Jeremy blushed. 'I was just gunna ask why you sound like Keanu Reeves.'

•the ground shook harder this time. 'i was wondering the same thing.' Then a high pitched noise rang the air and Jeremy woke up in a cold sweat gasping.

•'Jeremy! Are you okay?' It was Michael. 'You're freaking me out man! You ate the last piece then when everything was going crazy you passed out!'

•Jeremy slowly opened his eyes to see his glowing reflection in Michael's glasses. Tears were rolling down Michael's face as he cradled Jeremy in his tail and arms.

•Mrs. Mell was no where to be seen.

•Michael brushed a strand of quickly reverting back hair out of Jeremy's less pale face. 'Mikey?'


•'if you ever make me eat a goat heart again I will kill you.'

•'you're never going to forgive me for this are you?'


•'not even if I...' Michael pulled out a tube of toothpaste.

•'YES YES YES! Gimmie oh my savior!' Jeremy wailed and grabbed the toothpaste. 'You're forgiven just this once. Now carry me to the bathroom.'

•'of course, because i made you eat a heart now it's okay to use me as a horse?'

•'of course. What, you don't want me riding you?' Michael paused and looked at Jeremy. He watched as the comprehension of what Jeremy just said slowly dawned on him. It was amusing to see how much deeper could a shade of red go. 'wait. Fuck that's not what I meant Mell!'

•'Sure Heere, Suuuure'


•Mrs. Mell was in her room looking at the wall.

•She had thought for sure Jeremy was the kin of the Bathala.

•It unsettled her that she had no idea what Jeremy was.

•This could be very bad...

Dragon Boyfriends AUWhere stories live. Discover now