○●○● Discovering pt.1 ●○●○

Start from the beginning

"What... just happened?" Ryohei finally spoke up after a whole 10 seconds of silence from the rest of guardians sans Hayato who's trying to calm their crying baby.

"Maybe, he's just in a bad mood? I mean, he's not supposed to be back for the next two weeks, right? Something must have happened back in the camp" Takeshi tried to moderate.

"Well, that doesn't justify his action. Such attitude must be fixed" Hayato said, glaring to no one particular while still stroking Tsuna's scalp for comfort.

"I-I think, someone should talk to him?" Chrome suggested though it's quite obvious she wouldn't be able to be completely strict towards tge youngest.

"Welp, can't help you on that then. I'm not a counselor. And if anything, I would accidentally 'roast' him for making our little prince crying" Honestly, no one wanted to know the meaning behind the indigonet's words.

Turning to Ryohei, the ex-boxer shook his head, "Y'all know how bad I explain things." -which that means, there's only one person left. Takeshi sighed.

"Fine, I'll do it..." he said, receiving some smirks, snickers, and a smile in return.

"Well, that boy could be quite stubborn if he wanted. So... good luck!"

-and Takeshi groaned...


'this can't be happening...' a certain afro-kid thought as he clenched his teeth so tight, it's starting to hurt.

'Of all people, my brothers and sister are noble enough, they would never do such a  thing. Let alone, our ever so kind, Tsuna-nii. No. I must be hallucinating...' and he liked to accept that idea as a fact more than reality. "I guess that's just how it was, the heat was too much for me to handle that I began to see things..."

He'll be lying if he said that he didn't felt the warmth of the older's hug just then. But he prefer to be called a liar than believing what's actually happened.

Burying his face in his pillow, all he wanted is to sleep and pretend that all of these was just a dream... Though, it kind of difficult to do with a rumbling stomach. Yet, before he could relaxed his tensed body, a knock was heard from his door.

"Hey, Lambo. Are you awake? I brought you some lunch. I'm sure you haven't got-- oh, there you are" as the door got open, the teen saw one of his brother, Takeshi, smiling at him while holding a tray of food.

"I'm supposed that food is not the only reason you are here?" Takeshi's smile turned into a grin as Lambo sighed silently.

"Whatever. Just get in..." and so the two males entered the room who's mostly painted in green. They sat on the younger's bed as the taller one passed the tray.

"So... how was your day at the camp?" Takeshi started the convo, but Lambo seemed unimpressed with the general question.

"It's boring as hell, I wanted to die. But let's just cut the chit chat, okay? I'm driving you out once I finish this."

If it was any other guardians, though, maybe not Chrome, they'll likely to spit some fire just to scold the boy and end it here and there. Luckily enough, Takeshi has a lot of passion when it comes to family. And it was indeed convenient to manage such a chaotic family like Vongola.

But anyway, 'here goes nothing...'

"So, It's about what happened just now..." the rain started as he keeps an eye to see how the younger would react, he gave nothing and just calmly shoving food into his mouth, staring back boredly.

"I don't know how to explain it... it's this whole thing that he does. I think Hayato said it's called Little Space..." 
Lambo choked on his salad.
"Are you fu**ing serious?" 
"Language" The older warned, "-but yeah, I'm serious" Takeshi was at lost on why Lambo looked so enrage.
"And Tsuna-nii does that? is he a Little?" 
"Well yeah--" 
"Then, there's nothing to discuss. Now, can you please, leave?" -He sounds angry, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would he be angry at them? 
"Lambo, can you please listen for a moment and let me explain?" Takeshi tried again. Yet that just makes the younger explode.
"No! This isn't something you can explain! Or should have to explain! It's stupid and it's disgusting, and I refuse to believe it!" Rage could be seen in his blazing eyes while the other must take a calming breath not no snapped at the rude boy.

What the hell is he talking about anyway? The Little Space? Again, that makes no sense. Tsuna the cutest when he's Little, and all but him know that for absolute certain.
"Lambo! Sit." Takeshi orders, finally using his big brother card, making Lambo to finally closes his mouth, crossing his arms sulkily.
"Fine," he mutters, looking away from the taller raven. Takeshi silently sighed but choose to just continue with his explanation.
"So... Basically, Tsuna is-- well, sort of fall into a child or baby's mindset sometimes. He'll become like a kid or, in rare times, a baby in adult body. We found out about it by accident, but now we encourage him to do so because it was said that acting like that is like littles' safe space, and it helps them cope with stress and makes them comfortable. It's...well...it's really hard to explain..."
Takeshi scratch the back of his neck nervously, worried because he suddenly cannot find the right words to describe it.

"If he was here, it'd be easier to show you- I think, but he's asleep now and I'm not going to wake him up. They're just like children, honestly it's adorable and they're so sweet..."
"Yeah right," scoffs Lambo, as he finally turned his back. His arms still crossed over his chest, and a disgusted, sceptical look on his face.
"Yes, very sweet," he says sarcastically, and then he stands upright, "It's not sweet or cute, Takeshi! I don't think you understand what it actually is! Sexualizing children isn't adorable, it's disgusting. I never thought that of all people, my supposed to be family is into such a thing, but if it is true, don't expect me to have anything to do with it! Its sick."
"What did you just say?" Takeshi calls after him, but Lambo just storms out, slamming the door behind him, leaving the swordsman dumbfounded on his own.

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